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? relationship of personal characteristics to MS

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:19 am
by MrT
All my life I have had periodic bouts of severe stomach ache and bloating that was initially mistaken and treated as gastric ulcer. Over the years I realized that the problem is simply severe gas retention that feels like a stabbing knife- like sharp pain which is only relieved with a right side lying position and the use of simethicone.
I also find myself extremely susceptible to fungal skin infections which occur several times a year and I'm pretty sure the source is playing with/handling the dogs. A two week or so course of antifungal cream such as Lotrimin clears things right up.
I just wondered if these skin and stomach issues are common in MS patients, if there might be some connection. Do others have these or other similar recurrent ailments ? Any thoughts?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:38 pm
by kareng7
Hi Tracy,

I've had some problems with stomach upset--mostly gas bubbles that lodge in odd places and feel like stabbing wounds until I'm able to dislodge them and burp. Usually only lasts a few minutes, but hurts like heck.

Developed adult-onset allergies to shrimp and clams. Symptoms are painful intestinal cramps.

Haven't had fungal skin infection issues, however, as a kid, I presented allergy to Penecillin with a nice bout of hives (urticaria). Had a few bouts since--three weren't linked to anything, but one was definitely due to another antibiotic. I still periodically get single, tiny, itchy hives on my face or hands that resolve after about 30 minutes. Cause unknown. Sometimes they become zits (see below).

I inherited acne from my mom--started at 14 and shows no signs of stopping. I treat the facial problem with topicals (Differin gel and benzomyacin) and the back with topical salicylic acid soap.

In my 20s, I had a bout of warts on my lower legs that wouldn't clear up. My dermatologist treated it by inducing a chemical burn to basically exfoliate the top layers of skin. Interestingly, he said people who couldn't fight the warts the way I couldn't also tended not to react to poison oak serum, which is what they usually used to clear the warts. Sure enough, a patch test where they placed the serum on my leg for a few hours didn't do anything. I think his implication was that this was an irregular immune system response.

I was born in Vienna and contracted Impetigo( ... etigo.html) in the hospital, as did my mom. Not quite the same sterile conditions there back then. Interestingly, Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection.

So, as you can see why, I've always said my skin was my weak spot.

Have also had chronic tonsilitis since I was a kid. They never took them out. An ENT I saw said they weren't so big that he'd consider removing them, since I'm an adult.

Have had periodic UTIs all my womanhood.

Also, my mom, aunt and brother all have thyroid issues. I did not, when tested years ago, however, I plan to be tested in a few weeks for this, among other things.

You now have my most complete, published health history. :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 2:19 am
by MrT
Hi Kareng,

You make some interesting observations. I also had impetigo as a kid and frequent tonsilitis as well and never had the tonsils removed.
Thanks for the reply.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:48 pm
by hhhubbard24
The gas could be caused (even though rarely) from gastroparesis, which is associated with ms. As for the fungal infections if you have taken steroids that could be a side affect of the medication. Also depending on what you do for a living it could be common for your lifestyle.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:57 am
by SarahLonglands
No gas retention, no fungal infections, no warts, no UTIs, no depression (from another post), no tonsilitis, just adult onset asthma and severe allergy to mosquitos :( , now cleared up with the antibiotic treatment.