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Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:23 pm
by Lace
Feeling extremely frusted with regards to the Canadian health care system. I personally do not have MS but someone very close to me does, chronic progressive...he is paralyzed from the neck down with many other secondary complications such as severe osteoporosis, glaucoma, optic neuritis, etc. Out of the extensive list of drugs he is on I speculate there is only one that is actually needed, the rest are to mask the symptoms of the last one. Why is there not an integrated health care system for people suffering from systemic diseases? Why is the course of our lives/diseases run by the pharmaceutical companies. I truly believe there is more out there for him than this. I know there aren't any simple answers, just needed to vent.

Re: Frustrated

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:19 pm
by HarryZ

So sorry to hear about the severe MS that your close friend has. Unfortunately there really isn't much they can do for a MS patient in this situation other than try and treat the symptoms with various drugs. In some instances, the drugs don't do very much.

Watching your friend suffer like this would be very hard on you as well. Hopefully you have other friends and family around you that can offer some support
