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Sign up to this (England and Wales only)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:56 am
by JFH
If your in England or Wales and you haven't done so already you might think about signing up to the Expert Patients Programme:
The Expert Patients Programme (EPP) is a NHS-based training programme that provides opportunities to people who live with long-term chronic conditions to develop new skills to manage their condition better on a day-to-day basis. Set up in April 2002, it is based on research from the US and UK over the last two decades which shows that people living with chronic illnesses are often in the best position to know what they need in managing their own condition. Provided with the necessary 'self-management' skills, they can make a tangible impact on their disease and quality of life more generally.
Here's the link

The programme is now controlled and funded locally and your Primary Care Trust should have an up to date schedule of courses.

US folk might follow the Standford links - the programme is being delivered in the UK under licence from them and quality assured by them.

Looks good and its free :)