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Who owns science?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:14 am
by Leonard

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:17 pm
by tara97
not just science, our entire reality.
1)reality is what the majority agrees it is
2)the majority will look to the experts for the definition of reality
3)experts can be bought
4)one can buy an expert to define the reality of his choosing
5)he who has the most money can promote his reality best
6) the reality best promoted may be the on embtaced by the majority
7)reality is purchased by the by the highest bidder
8)the highest bidder may have the most to financially gain by convincing the majority to accept this reality
9) It may be in the best interst of those who financially gain from the mjority beleiving his reality to promote his reality best.

we are so lost in these falsehoods and we already know the answers that MS is a genetic predisposition to environmental vulnerability. nature and nurture all rolled into one.

The loudest voices do not have our best interest at heart. they have greed at heart