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Adherence to MS therapy

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:35 am
by bromley
The researchers can always come up with another research project. A large scale study is to examine adherence and non-adherence with MS therapies. Now I'm not a scientist, and I must have lost a few brain cells to this disease, but my wild guess for non-adherence could be that people don't like sticking needles into themselves with drugs that have horrible side effects and have limited efficacy. Of course I might be wrong, so X,000 researchers and $X,000,000 might find different reasons. Now, if they came up with a once a day tablet, with no side effects, which stopped this disease in its tracks, then non-adherence might not be a problem. But then there'd be no more work for the researchers! And Biogen want us to be adherent as it means we're using their drugs to the fullest possible extent - which of course means more revenue!


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:34 pm
by mrhodes40
This makes me want to weep. Why oh why is even one dime spent on such nonsense? Good grief, are they idiots? Of course Bromley is right.

Or better yet, let's have the company lower the price of their drugs instead of funding this kind of non-research as a tax break.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:52 am
by JFH
I think the important bit in this announcement is at the end
... these studies ... will provide a more sophisticated understanding of how physicians can best identify the most appropriate therapy for individual patients
[my emphasis]
The current therapies although similar are not one size fits all neither medicinally nor socially, and choice of therapy must be our own - in partnership with our neurologist. Anything that assists in that choice I welcome and consider worthwhile.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:17 am
by Melody
NOUN: adherence

The process or condition of adhering.
Faithful attachment; devotion: "Adherence to the rule of law . . . is a very important principle" (William H. Webster).

What do they mean by adherence in this instance as it doesn't make sense to me.? Are they trying to stick you on one med for life???????