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They won't give me a diagnosis, are they afraid to?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:53 pm
by scott54321
Hi all,

I have 95% of the symptoms, but the neurosurgeons won't make the diagnosis. They want me to get a second opinion from a neurologist. That's where this crazy ride started for me thirteen years ago. Two useless neck surgeries, and one lumbar surgery that seemed to work for about two months until the weakness started. I can't believe that they can't tell me anything after all the MRI's they had me do. Why are the neurosurgeons pushing off making the diagnosis to the neurologist? Living in "limboland" sucks so bad!!!

Re: They won't give me a diagnosis, are they afraid to?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:13 pm
by Loriyas
Can you make an appointment with a neurologist so you can get some answers. Unfortunately I think that MS is not a specialty of a neurosurgeon so they could probably not make a definitive diagnosis. I am sorry you are living in limbo land right now. I am sure you are frustrated! Hang in there!

Re: They won't give me a diagnosis, are they afraid to?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:39 pm
by MarkLavelle
I'm sure you're frustrated, but I would not want or expect a neurosurgeon to make a definite MS dx (I did let one cut a tumor out of my brain, though :wink:). If there's one anywhere near, I'd try to see a neurologist at a major MS Clinic.

Good luck,