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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:46 am
by ssmme
I know this is an odd question but do most of you out here know when you're having a relapse? Most of the time I don't really know if I'm having a relapse or just having a bad day. Relapses seem to come on gradually for me then come to a crescendo before gradually fading back. I don't always know until looking back that I had one. It makes this blasted disease hard to treat. If I have a couple of bad days then have a better day does that mean it wasn't a relapse or was it a mini-relapse? This is so frustrating.

Re: Relapses

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:21 am
by shaight
i keep a spreadsheet of any symptoms or thoughts that i have for any given day. i'll track a start date and an end date if possible. after seeing my most recent mri and then looking at my spreadsheet i can tie some of my symptoms to specific lesions. i also email my spreadsheet to my doctor before our appointments as it helps when discussing how i've been doing. but to answer your question, not so's tough unless i can trigger a sensation...which unfortunately i can right now.

Re: Relapses

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:09 am
by ssmme
Thanks for the response shaight. :-) Does anybody else have any input?

Re: Relapses

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:24 pm
by diggiesmallz
I was diagnosed a yr ago, and startd rebif. I think everything is going pretty well. But I wonder the same thing u do. Is it just a bad day or bad couple days from my first symptoms bcuz I know they will always come and go or is it a relapse?

I think unless they are old symptoms then its not a relapse but if I'm experiencing new symptoms I have never had then it would be a relapse.

I defenately think we should keep a log of everything though. That would really help my confusion on all of it. :)

Re: Relapses

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:43 am
by PrincessLeeya
Im all so new to all this but; My Neuro recently told me that new symptoms that last more than a day can be considered as a relapse?

Still confusing as new added weakness in my leg was not considered a relapse, maybe all part of my 1st attack? So confused

I hope this helps xx