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B cells

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:41 pm
by bromley
To date much of the focus of MS research has been in relation to T cells. Several research papers have pointed to B cells as having an involvement in the pathogenesis of MS and perhaps in terms of axonal damage. I have previously posted on the drug Rituximab which depletes B cells and has shown promising results. This drug is being tested in RR, SP and PP MS.

The NMSS is funding research in relation to B cells. One grant has gone to Dr Monson. Attached is a link to Dr Monson's work. It's a bit techy but it's good to know that there are researchers beavering away in this promising area.


<shortened url>

Beta cells

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:25 am
by lyndacarol
Ian--Insulin is produced in the Beta cells of the pancreas. Are these different from the B cells being examined here? I believe that within the immune system antibodies are produced by Beta cells. Could Rituximab work to deplete both if they have common elements?

Remember that I am the "insulin-is-involved" proponent--this would seem to fit for me.