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ladies- any experience with gyn surgery- progesterone cream

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:45 pm
by Selmahope

I was diagnosed with 2 complex ovarian cysts-one on each ovary last Fall. One 5-6cm one and one 2 cm-1 on each ovary. Also thickened uterine lining/a few small growths there as well. I've tried various alt therapies. Something I read said that progesterone cream for estrogen dominance might help?

Worried about how my body will handle the surgery etc and also about the hormone effect of losing both ovaries.

I'm looking into the estrogen dominance theory. I'm 50 and still having very regular cycles.

My doctor says very low odds i.e less than 1 percent of cancer.

Thank you! Selma