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A new drug to help secodary progressive ms

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:18 pm
by smudge52
In early 2012 I was one of a select few people with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis to undergo a Multiple Sclerosis trial (Phase 2A) for the drug “MIS416”. This trial was undertaken by Primorus Clinical Trials Ltd in Christchurch, New Zealand. MIS416 was developed by an Auckland company, Innate Immunotherapeutics Ltd.

After the trial had finished me, along with 12 other people, requested and qualified to continue to receive MIS416 on compassionate grounds. This involves an IV injection once a week.

Some of the benefits for me have been improved hand-eye coordination, less pain, improved vision and colour vision, improved energy, and more. There is no doubt that on completion of the clinical trial stage, if approved and released commercially, that many people will benefit from its use.

Innate Immunotherapeutics has indicated that the next clinical trial of MIS416 in patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis will take place in Australia later this year. The trial is expected to need between 100 and 200 patients and so a country with a bigger patient population is required.
