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Does Uhthoff's Phenomenon presume MS?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:59 pm
by nairb86
Hi everyone,

Thank you in advance for your time.

I am experiencing Uhthoff's Phenomenon (a bit of optic neuritis, tremors, and fatigue out of the shower) and other clear cut MS symptoms (numbness, cognition, slurred words). I am also fully in limbo-land in terms of a diagnosis (clean MRI of the spine and brain on a 3T machine including contrast).

I found an MS specialist I should be able to see, although it will probably take some time to get an appointment.

Are there conditions that would cause Uhthoff's Phenomenon other than MS? I am trying to understand how specific to MS this symptom is.

Thanks so much

Re: Does Uhthoff's Phenomenon presume MS?

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:12 am
by lartista
Dear Newbie,
I am having exactly what you said and I continue to be confused. I suffered in 2012: Retrobulbar Optic Neuritis, Scotoma, herpes in my cornea & Uhthoff Phenomena. For over 10 years my bodily experiences tingling which became severe these past two years. My 2012 MRI Brain and spine scan showed NO lesions and my 2012 spinal tap was 100% clean also. I am due for another MRI in a few months 2013. But My brain has been being scanned since 2006 and always shows up clean.

I am fully disabled since 2006 as I many illness but the one that destroyed my life was ME/CFS with multiple viruses: Cosackie B1 & B2, Epstein Barr Mono HHV -4, Varicella HHV -3, Rosellia HHV-6 & Mycoplasma Pneumoniae. I have multiple vitamin deficiencies such as B12, D, Folic Acid but I am on either prescriptions strength vitamins or injections, so that was ruled out.

Although Uhthoff phenomenon and optic neuritis are usually SURE TELL SIGNS of MS, this is not 100% accurate. There is a population outside of people without MS that have these other issues.

Here are my questions and if at all possible, I would like any responder to be so kind as to add the link validating what they say.

1) Can UHTHOFF PHENOMENON occur without demyelination? I heard yes it can but I can not find the facts stating that.
2) Can Retrobulbar Optic Neuritis occur without demyelination? I have head so but can not find the medical pages supporting this.
3) What other illnesses can cause UHTHOFF PHENOMENON?
4) What other illnesses can cause Retrobulbar Optic Neuritis?
5) Any other thoughts?
Thanks, Francesca

Re: Does Uhthoff's Phenomenon presume MS?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:47 pm
by Lainie
Uhthoff's was the symptom that led me to be diagnosed with MS.