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Cannabinoids reduce axonal injury

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:29 am
by dignan
A cannabinoid "dramatically reduced peroxynitrite-induced axonal injury"...I would never had thought a phrase like that would be music to my ears.

Therapeutic action of cannabinoid on axonal injury induced by peroxynitrite.

Brain Res. 2006 Mar 3;1076(1):238-42. Epub 2006 Feb 13.
Yang C, Hader W, Zhang X.
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Saskatchewan, 701 Queen Street, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7K 0M7.

This study examined whether the potent cannabinoid HU210 ameliorates axonal injury through its indirect action to stimulate the secretion of corticosterone. We observed that HU210 dramatically reduced peroxynitrite-induced axonal injury in rats receiving adrenalectomy and corticosterone replacement treatment. These results suggest that the ameliorating effects of cannabinoids on axonal injury associated with multiple sclerosis are achieved by its direct action, but not by its indirect action to elevate the serum corticosterone levels. ... med_DocSum