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New treatments could stop MS progression for the first time

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:01 am
New treatments could stop multiple sclerosis progression for the first time

Thanks to research on brains donated by MS patients, Imperial researchers have made major advances in efforts to understand and treat the disease.

Around 100,000 people in the UK have multiple sclerosis and, while several treatments exist to treat early attacks, there is currently nothing to stop the disease from progressing. Over the last decade, Imperial scientists have contributed to major advances in our understanding of the condition by studying post-mortem brain tissue. Now they are taking new treatment strategies to patients for the first time..... Read More -

Re: New treatments could stop MS progression for the first t

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:54 am
by HarryZ
Jane’s symptoms are the result of her brain coming under attack from her own immune system. Her immune cells, whose job is to protect her body against microbial invaders, have instead set their sights on a fatty substance called myelin, which wraps around her nerve fibres. Gradually they are tearing apart this myelin insulation, leaving her neurons unable to carry electrical signals efficiently. The reason for the attacks is still a mystery.
I find it amazing that we continue to see this kind of comment from some researchers after 70 years of MS research has yet to prove this theory. And you have other docs like Dr. Barrett who have examined the brains of MS patients who have died from very severe attacks and found no evidence at all from the involvement of the person's immune system.

Then I saw that Tysabri was being used in the investigative trials!! What some researchers do to try and prove that by shaking up a MS patient's immune system, the answer will be found.
