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Walking transformed again!!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:16 pm
by THX1138
Today I did a good magnesium oil treatment and about an hour later I drank a vitamin B3 drink (my own recipe).

I drank it. In about 15 minutes...
The niacin flush was coming on strong; my skin was red, and I was amazingly full of energy.
Then I went for a walk. Right away it was obvious that the flush was really working.
My legs felt light and swung freely instead of the tight bound up feeling.
I was walking fairly well and it was easy to walk much faster than usual.

In total, I walked about 2 blocks (way farther than I can normally walk).

After about the first block, the niacin flush started to fade, and so did I. I should have started the walk earlier on in the flush, which lasted about 20 minutes. My condition was returning to normal. I was starting to think I might not make it home without falling. I made it though.

From then on, I was back to my usual low energy, stiff-walking self. It sure was reassuring, though, to see that I was able to walk well for at least a while. It had been several months since the last time my walking had transformed so much from the niacin flush.

So I continue to try to fix this obvious blood flow problem I have.

Anyone else ever have a similar experience??
