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Emotional lability

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:15 am
by MSdaughter1
My mother was diagnosed with MS- relapsing/remitting in 2009. She's been very active in finding the best treatments possible and has tried her best to not allow her diagnosis to affect my family (I am 22, my sister is 20, and my father). However, over the past year or two it has become very apparent that her emotional stability is beginning to waver. I have not lived at home in 4 years so it's been easier for me to see how the family dynamics have changed. She has become extremely apathetic about EVERYTHING. She has "given up" on my family and refuses to partake in family decisions, but will then be very verbal when she isn't happy with whatever decision has been made. For a long time I thought her apathy was related to anything BUT MS. But now her emotional instability has affected my family in more ways than I could imagine. It has caused my parents to consider divorce after 35 years of marriage and caused countless fights between all family members. We all love my mother dearly and want nothing but the best for her; every time we attempt to bring up her depression she gets extremely defensive and refuses to recognize it. She and I are both nurses and are very aware of potential medications that can help treat depression- but it seems that she is blind to her own illness. Her physical manifestations of MS are under control, which is why I think she is turning a blind eye to the mental manifestations. I suppose it's easier to blame problems on others than admit that it's MS taking over.

Sorry that this post is so scatter-brained. Has anyone dealt with a situation like this- either personally or with a loved one? I know that this isn't who my mother truly is and I just want to find a way to help her.

Re: Emotional lability

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:19 pm
by THX1138
Sorry to hear about what has been happening with your mom and the family relationship trouble.

People with MS exhibit reduced levels of various nutrients. This usually shows up as low-normal nutrient levels in lab tests.
Magnesium is one of them.
Depression can result from not having enough magnesium.
The underestimated problem of using serum magnesium measurements to exclude magnesium deficiency in adults; a health warning is needed for "normal" results.
Magnesium is one of the most essential mineral in the human body, connected with brain biochemistry and the fluidity of neuronal membrane. A variety of neuromuscular and psychiatric symptoms, including different types of depression, was observed in magnesium deficiency.
We hypothesize that - when taken together - there is more than sufficient evidence to implicate inadequate dietary magnesium as the main cause of TRD, and that physicians should prescribe magnesium for TRD. Since inadequate brain magnesium appears to reduce serotonin levels, and since anti-depressants have been shown to have the action of raising brain magnesium, we further hypothesize that magnesium treatment will be found beneficial for nearly all depressives, not only TRD
Magnesium and the Brain: The Original Chill Pill ... chill-pill

Also, keep in mind that MS is considered incurable and affects so much of one's life, basically their whole life. This seriously undermines hope, and hope is essential for avoiding depression.


Re: Emotional lability

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:20 pm
by BadKittyCat
Quick question: is she taking one of the inerferon drugs? Those can affect mood. Check to see if any of her meds might be a factor... just a thought.

Re: Emotional lability

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:07 pm
by THX1138
A B12 issues are to blame for more than most realize, doctors included. This video and the book, Could It Be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses will explain: ...

Could It Be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses
Presenting a wide scope of problems caused by B12 deficiency, this comprehensive guide provides up-to-date medical information about symptoms, testing, diagnosis, and treatment. Written for both the patient and the interested layperson, this detailed book outlines how physicians frequently misdiagnose B12 deficiency as Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, mental retardation, Parkinson's disease, depression, or other mental illnesses. Now in the second edition, this resource has been thoroughly updated with the latest research, diagnostic tests, treatment options, case studies, and testimonials.
emphasis mine.


Re: Emotional lability

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:42 am
by CaliReader
Very sorry to hear what your family is going through.

I would talk to a psychologist or medical social worker and see what they suggest.

Best of luck. MS is a very challenging disease.

Re: Emotional lability

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:56 pm
by 623san
Hi, when I was first diagnosed I also went into a deep depression which changed my life forever. Yes, I started with Interferon b1a at 44mu. And that's a mood changer. Specially when you're 24 y/o, never been ill and never expected to be dependent on heavy medications for the rest of your life. Specially injectable ones. I didn't even take an aspirin until then.

I procrastinated with depression for a long time. Then started with a psychiatrist. And that didn't quite help. I gotta say I kept on being in deep depression for over 6 years and only recently feel I'm getting better.

I went to some groups of a local association of people with MS, and heard cases very similar to what you describe. I really can't recommend anything, as nothing really worked for me. The more my family wanted to help me, the more I put them away.

But recently, my father and I started noticing my mother has been having tremors in her right hand and we fear Parkinsons. And she doesn't want to even talk about it. I asked my neuro for a good specialist on hand movement, but I can't just break it to my mom. And can't say I don't understand her; as I very much felt the same as she does now. It's very much as the Kübler-Ross model. But damn! It can take years!

I wish I could help more, I'm sorry I can't. I wish you find an answer to this, and if you do, please post it here!

Best of lucks!