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1993 Kurtzke paper "Multiple Sclerosis as an Infection&

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:09 am
by Lyon
It seems to me that Dr Kurtzke has done more than anyone in generating and compiling MS data and trying to arrange it in a way as to make sense of a historically nonsensible situation.

Even though this paper is dated (1993) and the data used is even more dated, it seems to me that anyone affected with MS should take the time to read this one, if for no better reason than to gain a better idea of where some of our common asumptions about MS originated.

As someone who is interested in the possibility that the loss of helminth parasites from our populations led to succeptibility to immune dysfunction, it's not lost on me that the British influence on living conditions in the Faroes resulting in the loss of helminths would present itself exactly as what led Dr Kurtzke to the believe that the British brought some unknown infection with them to the Faroes.


PS..This pdf file is 46 pages long. If you click on the link, it takes a while to download. To make for easier reading, at the bottom of the right column there is the option to make the file itself take up the width of the whole page.