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Structural insight into the role of myelin basic protein...

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:53 am
by CureOrBust ... id=1450171
...This change in MBP conformation would free the epitope for T cell recognition and suggests a mechanism of action potentially initiated by alterations in myelin structure. This hypothesis is supported by a recent study describing antibody enzymes (abzymes) that catalyze MBP in a site-specific degradation (3). The C8 MBP isoform is also more abundant in immature myelin, and results of this study support the hypothesis that myelin structure in MS is developmentally immature (4), contributing to altered myelin stability and possibly the initiation of the disease.
A study which is getting old, but I couldn't find it on this site yet. The link gives pretty much most of the paper. Haven't as yet read it yet, but thought some may like to see it. It caught my eye as they are proposing something that may initiate the disease. Brave men...