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Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:13 pm
by msmything
I definitely feel better when I have myself in a good routine, it's the getting there that's tough.
What i have to remind myself is that it is not much harder for me as an mser to get up and go do something than it is for the average 52 year old, it sucks before, it feels kinda oK during, and great after.
I swim for exercise, I've always hated exercising 'on land'.
Most other things are out of the question for me now due to balance (or lack thereof!!)

I was watching an info-mercial for Tony Hortons 10 minute trainer. It's a pretty tough workout, but I wonder if the ten minute time frame would be a good home workout, 10 minutes can wake your muscles up, but not overheat you too much..Whatdya think?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:10 pm
by Bubba
Been werkin on my 12oz curls... Seems to work! The harder I work out the better I feel... :D

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:45 am
by dignan
Not MS-specific, but more good news about exercise:

Aerobic exercise grows brain cells

January 20, 2010 -- -- Aerobic exercises such as running or jogging have long been known to be good for the health, but now new research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) has shown that it also stimulates the growth of new brain cells and improves the memory and ability to learn.

Neuroscientists from University of Cambridge in the UK and the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore in the US have joined forces to study the effects of running. Working on mice, they showed that even a few days of running stimulates the brain to grow new cells in a part of the brain involved in memory and recall.

The scientists divided the mice into two groups: one of which had a running wheel they could use at any time, and the other of which did not. They trained each mouse by placing it in front of a computer screen displaying two squares. If the mouse used its nose to nudge the square on the left it was given a sugar pellet as a reward. If it nudged the other square, there was no reward.

The mice were then given brief memory tests designed to see how effectively they could separate similar memories. They scored higher points the more they nudged the square on the left, but the squares began 30 cm apart and were brought progressively closer together during the tests until they were almost touching.

In the memory tests the scores of mice with access to the running wheel were almost double those of the non-running group. The difference between scores was greatest in the later stages, when the squares were almost touching. Bussey said during the later stages the memories the mice formed of the squares were quite similar, and the new brain cells in the running mice made much more difference in their ability to put them together. In the non-runners the memories were too similar for them to distinguish between them.

In another experiment the researchers changed the square that produced the reward, and found the running mice caught on to the switch more quickly than the sedentary mice.

When the brain tissue of the mice was examined, the scientists found the running mice had grown an average of 6,000 new brain cells per cubic millimeter in the dentate gyrus part of the hippocampus, which is one of only a few areas of the brain that can grow new cells in the adult brain.

Researcher Timothy Bussey said the studies build on earlier work showing exercise keeps the brain healthy by increasing synaptic plasticity and by stimulating the brain to produce new cells, a process known as neurogenisis. Among these studies was work done on patients suffering from depression. In these patients neurogenisis was found to be limited, but improved if they exercised regularly.

The researchers are not yet clear on exactly why exercise triggers the growth of brain cells, but speculate it may be because exercise increases blood flow, or because it elevates certain hormone levels. Exercise may also reduce the level of the hormone cortisol, which is associated with stress.

More information: ... 7.abstract

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:50 pm
by LoveActually
I haven't read all the responses to your question (hope I'm not repeating) but I do a little bit of everything. Some light cardio here and there, walking on the treadmill at a high incline to help define and strengthen my calves. The elipitical machine and the bike.

I also do weight training, mainly on my arms, back and legs. You probably already know this but if you want to tone and 'wake up' the muscle you already have, use light weights (but still a bit challenging) and a lot of reps. I do four sets of fifteen with everything I do other than abs. With abs I do four sets of 35 and for the sides, two sets of 20.

Recently, I started taking yoga. It is extremely challenging but it's a great muscle builder. I wrote a blog post about it and have included the link below. I also took Zumba for the first time on Monday, there's a blog post about that one too, linked below.

I think yoga is excellent for what I want to do and for what it sounds like you want to do. It'll strengthen muscles in your body you didn't even know you had. You will be sore but it'll be worth it. And I've been told that after a few more classes, that soreness will dwindle.

If you ever need anything or have questions about working out just let me know.

Yoga -

Zumba -

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:17 am
by Loobie
Well I think I'm going to break down and try some yoga. Sounds challenging but sounds like something you don't need to cardiovascularly work yourself hard doing, so it may be the only thing I have left....for now anyway 8O


Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:06 am
by jjmagpin

I figured that I would drop in a quick comment. I am 41 year old male that was dxd 4-years ago. Prior to my dxd I was a avid runner. 3-4 times a week and a couple if long races each year 1/2 marathon or marathon. I have back away from the running because of foot drop in my right leg and I miss it. To substitue, I have taken up road cycling and have really gotten into that. Keep up the running but there are some other activities that you can supplement with.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:39 am
by zinamaria
What I love about yoga, after years of being an avid runner, marathons and such, is that depending on how you're feeling, you can turn up the volume and work hard or take it easy, that it also involves focusing on the breath, and expanding the internal realities, that it wakes up the organs, and heats the core without overheating (if you are in a class that's not working too hard), that it calms the mind and helps to focus on our spirit, and that all you have to do is put down your mat on the floor and do a few postures to feel the's overall effect for MS, mine anyway, is calming and soothing to the mind, but still tones and strengthens the muscles.
I just went through a major relapse these last 4ths, and just returning to my mat, and I can say that all the effort put in all these years, well it was just waiting for me to return and now I am gaining my strength back...

Hooray for everyone working hard to keep themselves fit as best they can, truly it is a great way to love ourselves!
Peace, (is it really 2010, already jan 21??)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:51 pm
by dignan
More good exercise info...

Exercise helps protect brain of multiple sclerosis patients

February 18, 2010 -- Highly fit multiple sclerosis patients perform significantly better on tests of cognitive function than similar less-fit patients, a new study shows.

In addition, MRI scans of the patients showed that the fitter MS patients showed less damage in parts of the brain that show deterioration as a result of MS, as well as a greater volume of vital gray matter.

"We found that aerobic fitness has a protective effect on parts of the brain that are most affected by multiple sclerosis," said Ruchika Shaurya Prakash, lead author of the study and assistant professor of psychology at Ohio State University.

"As a result, these fitter patients actually show better performance on tasks that measure processing speed."

The study, done with colleagues Robert Motl and Arthur Kramer of the University of Illinois and Erin Snook of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, appears online in the journal Brain Research and will be published in a future print edition.

for the rest of the article: