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LDN dossage and source

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:12 pm
by Sax
Hi Friends,

I'm new. I'm stopping Tysabri as of today after 14 months of going down hill; I'm starting Copaxone once the insurance clears and I plan to start LDN. My doctor will write a prescription but didn't know for what dose and couldn't direct me to a pharmacy.

Can anybody address these questions for me? I found some phone numbers of pharmacies in NY and it appeared that 4.5mg was there standard dosage. I'd love anyone's response and recommendation regarding dose and pharmacies. I'm in Seattle and looking for some resources; thanks in advance!

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:17 pm
by LR1234
I found 4.5mg was too much for me and I find that 3mg works.
I think it is down to the individual and is down to trial and error. I would advise to start in small amounts first maybe 1.5mg.
Also check out the CCSVI section as that also might be something you might want to look into and antibiotics have helped others.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:55 am
by Sax
thank you LR1234; I appreciate your input!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:44 pm
by tzootsi
You will find lots of LDN info on this site:

LDN is usually taken in either 3.0 or 4.5 doses. Some people tolerate 4.5, some do better on 3.0.

Call Skips Pharmacy in Boca Ratan Fla, they are the major source for LDN, and can hook you up with a doctor. They do have a website.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:56 pm
by Sax
very helpful, thanks tzootsi.