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MN 166

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:43 pm
by bromley
Another drug in trial.

May be, just one day, one of these drugs will be really effective and actually come onto the market!


PS I like the way the trials are taking place in eastern europe. There can't be many MS sufferers in western europe who haven't been on a trial.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 3:36 am
by OddDuck
Hi, bromley!

I see this drug is a PDE IV inhibitor (it has been proven that inhibiting PDE IV is an anti-inflammatory measure).

PDE IV inhibitors are indicated and used for the treatment of respiratory diseases (asthma, COPD, etc.) The main PDE IV inhibitor used on the market today is theophylline. (Of course, we already know that some anti-depressants, i.e. rolipram and desipramine, also help to inhibit PDE IV.) I won't post all of my research into this, but I have looked into PDE IV inhibitors for MS previously, etc. etc. There are many studies which do show that to be beneficial for MS.

Theophylline (in medication form due to its strength) is something of a tricky medication to use. Dosage and side-effects need to be monitored. And of course, is currently NOT prescribed off-label for MS.

The good thing, though, is that there is something ELSE that is far less harmful and is proving to be beneficial in many additional ways than just due to its anti-inflammatory properties, and that is green tea. Green tea contains theophylline, but in a far less toxic form.
Theophylline is a methylxanthine drug and is used in therapy for respiratory diseases, under a variety of brand names. It bears structural and pharmacological similarity to caffeine. It is naturally found in black tea and green tea.
So, could drinking green tea possibly help a little in MS? It certainly appears so. In any event, it certainly doesn't hurt.

You know, the thing is with all of this research being done for years on the same chemical agents and physiological processes, a person doesn't always need to wait years for it to "hit the market" and to be prescribed a potent drug to see if something will help them to feel better. Many times, there are natural agents that can be added to your diet that will assist in many of the same ways.

