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Anyone Using Cellcept?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:58 pm
by JohnGault
I have been on Cellcept (2g daily) for over a year now. I also take Avonex. This has coincided with a quiet period in my MS but I do not know if I can attribute this to the Cellcept.

Most doctors are familiar with Cellcept for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, as well as its intended uses for organ transplant patients.

Any other Cellcept users out there?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:35 pm
by kostas
My wife is taking CellCept for 10 months now (500mg per day). Before that she was on Novantrone for 1 year. She is also taking Lipitor (20mg per day). No side effects so far. She is in a very good condition, but we are not sure which drug (or not) is bringing the good results. Is it Novantrone that really stopped the massive attack and continues to influence the immune system? Is it Lipitor or is it CellCept (dose is small). Our pharmasist's sister is on CellCept for years (2.5 - 3.0 g daily) for another autoimmune desease and she is doing well. Only side effect diahrea.
Keep strong.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:08 pm
by JohnGault
Thank you Kostas. Nice to know I there are others out there trying Cellcept. I am no medical expert, but if you read the pharma description of Cellcept and how it actually affects the immune system, I can see how it would help. I just found out (since last post) that I have a cousin with lupus that has used Cellcept with some success. I also understand my neuro is doing a study on Avonex and Cellcept (I must have missed the memo on that one.

I also take Lipitor (80mg) for high cholesterol, but do not know if it has helped the MS. Always open to new theories though. Tinker, tailor and try until you find something that works.

My wife looks out for me as you do for your wife, and I cannot tell you how heartening it is to hear from another spoiuse.

All the best, and keep strong yourself.
