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Article of MS drugs

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:18 am
by bromley

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:32 am
by dignan
Since you posted the article, I have to comment on a piece of information it contains. It quotes the National MS Society in NY as saying there are 140 agents in clinical trials for MS. If the NMSS knows about all these drugs in clinical trials, would it kill them to put a freaking list up on their website?!?!! It would have saved me many hours over the last year, and it sounds like they have this information at their finger-tips.

Their PDF file list of all the ongoing clinical trials in MS is just cumbersome, and doesn't have nearly the 140 substances they're talking about, so why can't they share their info with MS sufferers who would take great solace in seeing all the drugs being tested? This is one of my pet peeves (along with rainy days and people who frown).