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Diet is Right (through Ayurveda)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:36 am
by Chester98
"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food" –Hippocrates Cure and healing can only happen when medicines are taken along with proper diet. If food and proper care is neglected then it effects the body adversely. A proper ayurvedic diet along with herbal supplemennts help the body to remain toned and fit. Diet however should vary along with the seasons. The reason for this is that every season brings different types of illness and diseases. The immunity and resistance level of human body should vary with it. Achieving a perfectly immune body is no child's play and asks for a planned diet and lifestyle.

The secret to perfect health is maintaining the equilibrium between human body and Mother Nature. Nature's power and energy is always under constant reaction with human body because every living and non living thing is not a stand-alone being but an extension of the Creation. The five elements of Nature which are the main source of the sustainance of life forms an integral part of the nutrition level of the food. Thus, food taken according to dietic rules leads to cure and proper health.

In Ayurveda, the diet forms main part of the treatment for any ailment. The cure for any disease cannot be achieved only by intake of medicines but depends on the healing power of food. Ayurvedic practitioners greatly rely upon the mutual reaction of food, medicine, excercise and proper lifestyle which together bring upon physical, mental and spiritual healing.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:32 am
by jimmylegs
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Re: Diet is Right (through Ayurveda)

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:09 am
by kehussy
Ayurveda is indeed a powerful means to achieve a healthy body and mind. I agree that proper diet is very important for the healing process and to boost the immunity system of the body.