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900 miles of unforgiving road! - Target £10,000 for MS

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:32 pm
by tryingtomakeadifference
I don't have MS...but I want to help people who do, and this is how I'm doing it!

What has taken 100's of hours of training....100's of hours of fundraising and planning. Pretty much most of my spare time for nearly 3 years. £2,500 of my own money...and 11 days annual leave? I've had to overcome negativity - sometimes from the last place you would expect - and so many obstacles it's unreal! Did I mention the countless late nights working into the early hours of the morning....oh yes, just did! :)

If you're interested to find out the full story simply click here: <shortened url> You can become a ‘Fan’ of the fundraising website if you wish, that way you can stay up to date with how things are going…trust me, the journey has been anything but smooth!!

Why am I doing it? Because I want to do more than just say "Oh that MS is so terrible"...and then go back to my life. I want to make a meaningful difference...£10,000 worth of difference and whilst doing it - get people to talk about Multiple Sclerosis!

…and to check out how much has already been raised go here:

Thanks for your interest, it’s appreciated. Stay positive guys…you never know what medical discovery may be just about to come around the corner!