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Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:55 pm
by HeatherMintyCool
Hi all! Have been looking for a community to hang and vent and thankfully found this site! A little about me. I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in the spring of last year after my 2nd occurrence of optic neuritis. First occurrence was in 2014, second in 2015. I started on Plegridy, a 2x/month injection of beta-inferon and have had no relapses over the last year! Woot!

Honestly, the biggest thing for me is no longer being in limbo. It's more of a relief than you can possibly imagine. i try to stay positive by baking a mean batch of cookies. My favorite recipe is the Nestle pan cookie. If you haven't had it, you gatta try it for the holidays! It feels good to join a community who understands my struggles. It's hot today. ha. Nice meeting all of you! Take care!