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Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:06 am
by js
this is my first post. i'm 65 yrs old, dx in 1976 with optic neuritis. no further synptoms for 25 years. a drop foot sent me back to a neurologist (after 25 yrs!) i declined the abc drugs. decided to go with supplements.
i continue to teach a full day every day. sometimes i use a brace, sometimes a cane, sometimes a walker. it depends how i am that day. i do use a scooter each day to handle the 300 ft hall six times a day.!
please-is their anyone reading this who was symptom free for 25 years ?
i do not want to ever retire from teaching

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:32 pm
by day2
Thank you so much for posting! I was diagnosed yesterday with MS after a bout with optic neuritis. It is all so overwhelming! I am fifty years old and also a teacher. Frankly, all day yesterday and today I've been an emotional wreck... worrying about whether I'd be able to cope with the upcoming school year. I too was offered the drug betaseron, and agreed to take it. I'm wondering if I made the right decision. It seems to have so many side effects. Your twenty-five year experience is such an inspiration to me. It provided me with the hope I needed tonight. Thank you.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:55 am
by js
I'm happy you feel a little better. I once read a study that said of all the professions, teachers have the highest incident of ms. All the kids coughing,sneezing, and coming to school with fevers?The second part of the study showed that we also have a milder course. That held true for me,hope it holds true for you.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:04 am
by Arron
welcome to both of you!

recently diagnosed...

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:26 pm
by pattyr

Stumbled upon this group while looking for some help and info on what to do with the weight that seems to have landed upon me after everything else this last year (optic neuritis, difficulty walking, falling...).

I finally gave in after being told I would lose my eyesight in my right eye and possibly end up in the wheel chair within this next year if I didn't start treatment soon - and have just begun Copaxone.

Still in the denial stage (I've been treating this like a flu) and now that there are injections every evening, it's become far too real and is THERE in front of me daily, rather than being 'told' I have MS and me not ackowledging it...

I use a cane to walk on most days and may be needing a bit more assistance but REFUSE to let it or it's array of complications (it's affected the Vagus nerve along with the Optic nerves primarily).

Now it's dealing with looking in the mirror and seeing more of me than ever before which is eating away at my self confidence and self esteem.

It's been hard enough to begin work towards my Psy.D at this age, let alone getting diagnosed 2 years into my studies (with people almost 1/2 my age), now I look and feel over weight as well as having a walking and cognitive challenge from time to time.

So how does one really cope and accept all of this for themselves rather than the happy face usually put on for those around us, caring for us, helping us???

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 3:13 pm
by carolsue
that's a million dollar question, and everyone has to come up with their own way to cope. what works for me is to first focus on the things I CAN do, not on the things I can't. and I don't always put up the front of a happy face for those I'm closest to. denying it to them makes it too easy to deny to myself. I think they appreciate the honesty once in a while, and it feels good to be able to admit when I'm having a rough time.

I haven't had to ask for much help yet, fortunately, but I hope I will do so when I need it. I doubt you'd have qualms about helping someone else in need--why shouldn't you ask for help if you need it??

in any case, there's a great community here, lots of good information, and helpful lessons in these threads on how to cope. good luck.