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Bone marrows stem cells convert to oligodendrocytes

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:52 am
by CureOrBust
The group harvested stem cells from the bone marrow of mice and humans, then inserted them into the brains of mice with a disease that closely resembles MS in humans. They found that the stem cells changed into several different kinds of cells: most importantly, many converted into cells called oligodendrocytes,which manufacture 'white matter'.
But the experiments suggest only areas of fresh damage might be treatable. In the mice tested, the loss of myelin appeared that to trigger the stem cells to turn into oligodendrocytes was recent. If the process can be repeated in humans, only those diagnosed with MS - but where the disease has not advanced greatly - are likely to benefit."One scenario which is reasonably likely is the patient with MS in some years to come who will be stable in their deficit [of white matter cells], the result of a white matter damage in the past," Brew told reporters.
Until now, scientists had been unable to produce oligodendrocytes, although other groups have successfully created neurones from stem cells.
And also on the same page
Bone marrow cells can migrate
"In related research published in today's issue of the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, American researchers have found stem cells from transplanted bone marrow ended up in the brains of the transplant recipients.

Studying the brains of four deceased women who had received a bone marrow transplant from a male donor, the researchers at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, isolated brain cells in the women that contained Y chromosomes. Y chromosomes only appears in male cells.

This suggests that adult human bone marrow cells have the capacity to find their way into the brain and convert into neurones.