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L. Casei Shirota/Yakult: Unexpected sensory improvement

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:58 pm
by Anonymoose
In an attempt to decrease plasmablasts (the big problem in MS CSF) produced in the mucosal lining of gut even after rituxan b-cell depletion, I decided to give Yakult/l casei shirota a try. I didn't expect to feel a thing from it as I'm feeling pretty good lately and the only reactions I've ever had from probiotics were super-regularity (from a blend) and herxes (from l plantarum). BUT, there was a significant improvement in leg/hand sensation after the first dose. The next day, I took it again and the improvements continued. I don't know why its doing it...maybe a decrease in BAFF/plasmablasts (don't even know if it will do this...l casei is supposed to decrease the BAFF inducing gene and BAFF enhances b cell differentiation and plasmablast survival), maybe an increase in NK cells (which can ameliorate MS and are lower during relapse), doubtfully instantly improved nutrient absorption, who knows? It's just pretty cool.

Thought I'd throw that out there in case anyone is looking to experiment. I'm guessing l casei is in the good fmt poo. :P

Will update if things suddenly go the opposite Manning's first play in the Superbowl. :roll:

Re: L. Casei Shirota/Yakult: Unexpected sensory improvement

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:59 am
by jimmylegs
interesting anon. I will have to have a read about this particular product. I would expect you to need to repopulate but it doesn't explain why this and that product did nothing, and the other had an effect. could be an element of timing in there. definitely interesting!

Re: L. Casei Shirota/Yakult: Unexpected sensory improvement

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:19 am
by Anonymoose
It's crazy weird. I think I've got it narrowed down a bit though. It's gut flora brain control via the vagus nerve. That's the only way it could have such a quick effect.

Probiotic influence on sensory processing

And I'm on my phone and lost the link but there's a study out there that says if you cut the vagus, gut flora no longer influence brain (in mice).

Hm. Antibiotics. Dietary changes. FMT. Hmmmmmm.

Re: L. Casei Shirota/Yakult: Unexpected sensory improvement

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:34 am
by Anonymoose
Neck tension that I haven't felt much at all since starting clonidine which was right after I stopped antibiotics has returned. The clonidine knocked it out and it would flare up if I lowered dose and a bit after I quit but it just went away and stayed away on its own...even after I quit fenofibrate. (Too many experiments in one year!). Interesting. Maybe it was the antibiotics that caused the neck tension by altering gut flora. At any rate, I've stopped taking the Yakult and suggest if you try it, go easy. Take one or two drinks a week. Don't double up (I did twice) and don't take it every day. Maybe it would work better that way?? Eating a lot of spicy food (raw jalapeƱos anyone?) seemed to undo the affects for several hours too. Another mystery...

Re: L. Casei Shirota/Yakult: Unexpected sensory improvement

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:50 am
by Anonymoose
Err. How do I put this? I seriously doubt there are very many l casei shirota left in my gut after the belly Armageddon that took place yesterday. Yikes!

Proceed with caution or not at all! Lol