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Netherlands Daughter-update

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:47 am
by Chris55
My daughter continues to improve. She is now on the "antibiotic" part of her supplement treatment. Seems to be having the Herx reaction on a pretty regular basis; however the severity has lessoned. She is back to teaching all of her dance classes (owns a dance school--has not been able to do much of anything in the past 2 years). She changed a tire on her sister's car the other night. Remarked a few months ago, she couldn't have done it!

One interesting story: On Friday, she went to her MS specialist in Atlanta (6 month visit. Question: If they are supposed to check the liver every 3 mos. for those on Avonex, why is hers only checked every 6 months?) Anyway, the "nurse" came in--no doctor--stood in front of a computer with a mirror above so that she could see my daughter with her back to her and asked for any new symptoms. When she asked if my daughter was on her Avonex and my daughter said no, I thought the nurse was going to have a stroke! "What! Why?" Daughter explained that she wanted to have a child and that Avonex recommended stopping 6 months before. The nurse responded: "Damn them! They have no business telling you what to do--they aren't your doctor. I will call them now and have a word with them. In the 15 years this drug has been on the market, we have NEVER had a problem!" Now--ask me how impressed I was with this exchange???

Anyway, that is all I have for now. God bless all!