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Food sources for E, Pot, Cal, A & Mag

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:32 am
by peekaboo
according to june issue of prevention mag

Vitamin E = need 15mg/day

sunflower seeds, wheat germ, red bell pepper, white beans, dark leafy greens

Potassium = neeed 4700mg/day

baked potato w/skin, edamame, spinach, lentils, and ofcourse banana

Calcium = 1000-1200mg/day

low fat plain yogurt, sardines, low fat cheese, tofu, bok choy

Vitamin A = 720 mcg/day

sweet potato, pumpkin, baby carrots, dried apricots, cantaloupe

Magnesioum = 320 mg/day

black beans, brazil nuts, okra, brown rice, almonds