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Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:58 am
by SarahLonglands
As I said yesterday on CPN help, when you first started writing here I was plain terrified as to how things would turn out for you, but all that is now long past. You have a long way to go still, but your persistence is certainly paying. You have done 34 pulses over two years compared to my rather paltry 21 or 22 over three years and you show to others that this is real and not some fake miracle cure. I hope some people new to this will take the trouble of reading back to your very first posts, well reading through the whole lot, which I have just done. There was so much in the early posts that I had forgotten about: DMSA for example. I think a good cure for my feeling sorry for myself art any time will be to read you first page and whatever is your most recent one at that time: instant cure for that particular affliction!

Sarah :)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:37 am
by yguner
Hı everybody,

In thıs update ı must say that Flagyl (Metronıdazole) ıs helpıng some other complıcatıons that ı have, such as the rash behınd my leg. I trıed antıfungals (Lamısıl 2 months), antıvıral (acolyver 1 month) but the rash dıd not go completely, ı had some dıe of reactıons when ı was takıng antıfungals and antıvırals but the rash dıd not get effected wıth them as ı expected. The only way ı found whıch helps thıs rash problem ıs b-12 shots and Flagyl. I have been takıng Flagyl 1500mg/day along wıth Doxy/Roxy sınce september 10th. and ı trıed to stop Flagyl once wıth the rash appearıng 3 days later, so ı am takıng Doxy/Roxy/Flagyl everyday now. The rash also comes back ıf ı mıss a shot of b-12 even ones ın a week(3 tımes a week ıs ok for me).
I don't have any bad reactıon to Flagyl at all, ın fact ı feel better wıth ıt , ı have less spasms and more energy now than 2 months before, my hands are stıll ımprovıng. My spınal cord have a lot of actıvıty ınsıde, ı feel my axons and nerves dıe faster because of Flagyl but ı guess ı can handle that. I thınk thıs ıs the last stronghold of cpn and cpn ıs loosıng ıt. Thats ıt for thıs update..

Best wıshes,


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:38 am
by SarahLonglands
Guner, flagyl every day? I thought I read that wrongly at first! The most I have ever done is five days, and then I often buck out half way through the last day. David has tried it for longer a couple of times but soon becomes unliveable with.

So, that is really the only thing that helps that troublesome rash? Well, that and B12. I think that shows something. It always affects my appetite, though, so watch that you are eating enough while doing this: we wouldn't like you wasting away.


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:43 am
by yguner
Hı Sarah, ı am not really sure what causes thıs troublesome rash ,there maybe more than one reason but flagyl and b12 really keep ıt under control. It shows somethıng definitely ,ı wısh ı had an answer for thıs. And ı wıll watch for my appetite, thanks for warnıng me about thıs ..Guner

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 4:06 pm
by mrhodes40
guner it is so good to read your story. :D
Thank you for taking time to write it

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:09 am
by wiggy
When I read your early posts, I wasn't sure if I could do this protocol based upon your experiences - I am so glad you have hung in and are doing so well. You are a huge inspiration to all of us. I remember you had said "I feel the infection leaving my spine or clearing in spinal area" and I now know exactly what you mean. I feel so much activity in my legs all the time - I know I am making progress.
Take Care and keep writing!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:25 am
by yguner
Thanks Marie ,thanks Wıggy.... :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:52 am
by yguner
A lıttle update;
I had a lıver function test yesterday ,ıt was ın ıts normal range. I have been takıng doxy/roxy/flagyl combo continously sınce the sep.10th and ı thought ıt would be better to check ıt because ı am thınkıng to stay on thıs combo for a whıle.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:56 am
by SarahLonglands
Posted twice! :?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:57 am
by SarahLonglands
Guner, here's something I didn't know, which David told me: the cerebro-spinal fluid is actually a fast moving stream, constantly replacing itself. There is about 140ml of the stuff and about 560ml of new fluid is produced every day, which shows a pretty rapid circulation. I had always tended to think of it as a stagnant pool, I don't know why. Maybe I would have thought differently if I hadn't managed to avoid ever having a lumbar puncture. Perhaps a lot of the activity you have been feeling in your spine is all the EBs being washed away.

A little bit of searching and I found this, which you are now going to tell me you knew all about anyway:

Cerebrospinal Fluid Research aims to provide a specialist platform for high quality articles on all aspects of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), bringing together experts working in the field and promoting synthesis and dialogue. This, launch Editorial provides an overview of the field, some history, and highlights some of the journal policies.

Fluid within the brain cavities was known of in ancient times. Hippocrates in the 4th century B.C. recorded the presence of fluid and is thought to have tapped the ventricles in a patient with hydrocephalus. Subsequently, in the 2nd century A.D., Galen described the ventricles and his dogma that the ventricles contained a gaseous vital spirit, lasted for over 1000 years. The return to the fluid hypothesis occurred in 1543 with Vesalius who made detailed observations of the anatomy and noted the presence of a watery humor. Further studies in the 17th and 18th centuries by Valsalva, Haller, and Contugno elaborated and extended this knowledge. Magendie in 1825 made chemical and physiological studies on the fluid and coined the name liquide cephalo-rachidien or fluid cerebrospinal. He saw pulsatile movement and concluded the fluid was under positive pressure. Later in the 19th century the anatomists Key and Retzius made extremely detailed studies of the cavities and the membranes of the brain, and provided a foundation for many 20th century investigations starting with Dixon and Haliburton, 1913 [1], Dandy and Blackfan, 1914 [2] and Weed 1935 [3]. At this stage it was known that the fluid originates in the choroid plexus and circulates throughout the internal cavities and external spaces to the venous sinuses. It was also shown by dye studies that there was a 'barrier' for movement of substances between the blood and the brain (blood-brain barrier) and between the blood and CSF (blood-CSF barrier).
If you didn't know, though, it is an open access journal where many papers are availabe on the internet free of charge.


Your chronicles

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:53 pm
by mormiles
Hi Guner, I'm cypriane from CPn It's important and reassuring for you and for all of us to know that, after 2-1/2 years on combined antibiotics, your liver is in good shape. I hope your current mix of meds accomplishes what you are aiming at.

Your early posts tell that you started antibiotics after reading about Dr. Sriram's work. Did you find that information by googling, or did someone else tell you about it?

Thank you for the faithful chronicling of your protocol experience. What you have done and what you are doing is helping many now and will help so many more in the future. My husband and I were speaking of you while on our way to work this morning...your story inspires him. Peace be with you, Joyce

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:34 am
by yguner
I dıdn't have an access to ınternet for the last couple of days, sorry for the delay.
Sarah ,the lınk about the cerebrospınal fluıd ıs so helpful to understand how dynamic structure the spınal cord has. I thınk the actıvıty ın my spıne ıs related wıth the EBs and RBs beıng washed away too. The excıtıng thıng ıs how much repair wıll be done ın the damaged area after thıs process.
Joyce, I always read your blogs here and at CPn Help, and ı agree wıth you on the ıdea that progressive ms patıents have an advantage of understandıng ıf the CAP ıs workıng or not, because they never get any remıssion at all. And yes ı dıd fınd dr.Srıram's work by googlıng ın may.2004 by myself, ıt took me another 9 months to fınd thısısms and Sarah after ı started the antibiotics. I am glad ı found Sarah and others here because otherwıse ı could never be able to stay thıs long on the treatment. Best wıshes..

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:30 am
by yguner
Lıttle update;
Yesterday ı woke up wıth a nausea and felt lıke ı needed to vomıt ,the nausea and vomıtıng stayed all day .I thought thıs mıght be because of continuous use of flagyl so ı stopped takıng ıt as of last nıght. I feel better today, ı don't have any nausea or vomıtıng .I thınk that too much dıe-off and too much polyprıns were causıng the nausea and vomıtıng, ı wıll waıt for a whıle before ı start takıng flagyl agaın.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:19 am
by gibbledygook
That sounds very sensible yguner. Perhaps a break for a week or 2 - just to give the innards a bit of a rest. Flagyl is, after all, very powerful. Interestingly it always makes me feel worse! I'm very jealous of your feeling better on it. Best of luck.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:13 am
by yguner
Hı Gıbbledygook,

Today ıs the second day wıthout the flagyl and ı don't feel any dıfferent than when ı was on ıt last week. I guess as the cpn load lessens ,takıng the flagyl gets better and easier. I am so glad you are feelıng better and walkıng much longer ,all my best...