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I eliminated my post

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:57 pm
by beatms
I eliminated my post

But antibiotics cured my MS

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:10 pm
by SarahLonglands
Hello Dave,

I do think that maybe you are not posting this in the best place on ThisisMS, since this forum is mainly inhabited by people actually using antibiotics to rid themselves of their largely progressive MS.

I have only taken antibiotics twice in my life before starting this treatment, once penicillin at the age of 7 for scarlet fever, and once something else for an infected insect bite. Further than that, I don't believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God and the saviour of mankind as you seem to. It does not seem right to me for him to only help someone "Cure" themselves of their MS if they believe in him.

One similarity I do have with you , however, is my ability to get thrown off certain websites, if here UK, for talking about non pharm approved stuff. However, I am very grateful to the people, especially those at Vanderbilt who researched into CPn as the possible cause of MS, because they have given me back my life and my livelihood.


I eliminated my post

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:16 am
by beatms
I eliminated my post

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:32 am
by SarahLonglands
Hello Dave, the antibiotics I was using and still am intermittently are doxycycline, roxithromycin and pulses of metronidazole (flagyl), targeting Chlamydia pneumoniae infection:

Any harmful overgrowth of gut bacteria is taken care of by simply using either acidophilus capsules or live yoghurt at a different time of the day. I don't and didn't have an overgrowth of any pathogen in the gut, but I obviously did in the head, so vancomycin, which is only given intravenously, in hospital, would not have been any use because it doesn't get into the CNS. Read through the pages above, written by my husband, who is a clinical mirobiologist treating all manner of patients in a hospital setting, including the prescribing of vancomycin for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus(MRSA).


I eliminated my post

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 1:14 pm
by beatms
I eliminated my post

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:35 pm
by SarahLonglands
Dave, I'm sorry but I must beg to differ: My immune system was never ravaged by candida and CPn was not an opportunistic infection. I have never had strep throat or pneumonia. I have never shown signs of intestinal dysbiosis either, and only showed a near negative serum level of CPn when I was tested after starting treatment, yet the fact remains that I responded as soon as I started doxycycline and soon after roxithromycin. I know that both of these are immunomodulatory, but being thus is not enough to stop progressive MS in its tracks and thereafter produce MRIs that not only show no new damage but a reduction in size of existing lesions, some on the periphery even disappearing. Also one might expect me to show a return of symptoms when I stop the treatment, but this is not the case.

Pneumonia is caused by numerous different pathogens, but as I say, I have never had pneumonia. I have never had a sore throat either: I did once try to kid my mother that I had mumps because my sister did and I wanted a few days off school to do other things, but that is all. I did have a very over -reactive immune system because I had very bad hayfever, asthma and a very bad reaction to mosquito bites, but I repeat *HAD*. Now that I am only on intermittent treatment, these things have not returned in the least. Well, it is a very bad season for hayfever over here, but whereas my sister an her partner are both suffering terribly, I just sneeze about, um, today ten or twelve times, but I have no troubles apart from that. No runny nose or anything.

You sound to me as though you haven't even read the pages I suggested you read, or the many peoples experiences in the Regimens forum. I suggest that you do, but I am also glad that you feel you have improved from this hell of a disease. I certainly am for myself and now for the other people improving on the same regime.


I eliminated my post

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:29 am
by beatms
I eliminated my post

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:14 am
by SarahLonglands
In my attempt not to "Let people get at me", here is a summary of Dave's regime for anyone who cares to look that far down his interminable blog. The dietary changes I have nothing to argue with, nor the helping others who are less fortunate. This diet is not that dis-similar to mine, though, and it did nothing to stop my MS eventually becoming very aggressively progressive.
A summary of changes:
1.Trusting in God and leaning and trusting and seeing Him as a necessary part in my healing.

2. Taking the probiotic with soil organisms. I gradually worked up to 20 tablets per day (in two divided doses) for about 6 weeks than gradually backed down with much lower doses thereafter. At times when I had severe gastrointestinal upset or fever I would decrease the dosage. About 3-4 months included relatively high doses during my initial period. I take small amounts of the probiotic now -restarting at 1/2 tablet and (as my body detoxes very heavily on it's own-), have slowly increased to 3 a day (I am not sure if I will take more since my body was already detoxing pretty heavily prior to the restart--in fact 1/2 tablet was difficult to take), however only taking them in the morning in order to make sure I can drink enough water during the day to flush toxic byproducts out and decrease chances for excessive detox symptoms at night. I plan on taking these until I am completely free of symptoms and probably thereafter as well.

Other sources of beneficial probiotics that I have included are yogurt (Whole milk Stonyfield Organics has the strongest cultures) and raw whole milk from organic grass fed cows. Both of these have added a significant boost to some die off symptoms, and contains highly absorbable calcium (pasturized milk is not as easily absorbed) which is vital for thyroid functioning.

3. Eliminating the following from my regimin:
antibiotics, steroids, chlorinated water, vegetarianism, photophobia (being afraid of the sun), refined carbohyrdates, sugar, anything with added corn syrup or sugar or sweetners.

thoughts that I eliminated: that I needed a woman to be my savior and all other things besides God.

Behaviors: I stopped taking antibiotics for upper respiratory symptoms, as I feel that in my case it was my body's way of trying to detoxify from an overgrowth of candida. I also stopped takin steroids for headaches, and all other medications as well.

Eliminated: comfort foods like doughnuts, refined wheat pasta, white rice, muffins, sugary foods (all of the previous feed yeast), vegetarianism

4. Things I included: organic, grass fed finished red meat (improves the environment and has greater CLA-an anti-tumer fatty acid found in grass fed finished beef and grass fed dairy cows), sprouted with 100% whole grains (especially when I began the process), and sourdough with 100% whole grain, otherwise 100% whole grains--but even the sprouted and/or sourdough, I think is even better-especially with regards to wheat, because of the removal of phytic acid in wheat/soy products(which is a nutritional robber), more raw organic (grown without pesticides or herbicides) vegetables,my love for and my deepening faith in God, getting more sunlight without sunscreen, organic raw whole milk (I think raw is best because it contains more bacteria and has better calcium aborption) by grass fed cows instead of confinement farm producers that use primarily grain and horrible conditions, lots of sardines during late fall through winter due to lack of vitamin D from sunlight, drinking lots of dechlorinated water which I make by adding vitamin c to tap water (about 100mg-125mg per 2.2 liters).

5. Running daily (with typically a day off per week for rest). I notice that detoxing is intensified through running, and research shows it directly kills yeast cells.
6. Listening to the body, with regards to sleep and running not too hard or at all when detoxing seems to sap my energy/and nerves and nerves are too sensitive.
7. Engaging in stewardship by helping others that are less fortunate
8. Really focusing on faith to harness a close relationship with God, because I believe ultimately physically we should not be so focused/obsessed on, but living in and through the Spirit.


My Hypothesis Summarized:

1. Antibiotics, stress, corticosteroids, chlorinated water, pesticides, radiation, sugar, poor nutritional intake (perhaps, especially from vitamin D), refined carbs, caffeine, carbonation, pesiticide residue, and other western meds(especially birth contol, antidepressants, hormone therapies) leads to...
2. Intestinal microflora imbalance leading to....
3. Candida proliferation leading to....
4. Malabsorption syndrome and toxic byproducts (which there are like 70) of candida that adversely affect the thyroid/parathyroid leading to......
5. Abnormal thyroid/parathyroid function, specifically T4 to T3 ratios leading to.....
6.Decreased cellular detoxification and increased oxidative stress leading to....
7.Neuropathy of demylinating-axonal character, increased pain sensitivities, and other chronic diseases

Make of it what you will.


Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:06 am
by bromley

Thanks for this. Looks like Dave's posts should be in the faith section.

If God had an ounce of love he might have shown his face during the Holocaust or the Tsunami! I don't think he's going to get too worked up about a little disease like MS.


Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:37 am
by CureOrBust
beatms, I am sure there is a test for candida (I had it done), does it not show up on a test if someone has an over growth of candida?

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:26 am
by SarahLonglands
Thanks, both of you: I thought about posting in the General Interest section as well, but decided I had better things to do.

Sarah 8)

I eliminated my post

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:13 am
by beatms
I eliminated my post

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:43 pm
by Arron
title of this thread edited to more appropriately reflect the situation... there are no known cures to MS as of today.

candida ... sigh ...

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 4:12 pm
by jimmylegs
for my part, i have had problems with gastrointestinal candida. chronic ones. since childhood. more recently, cutaneous.

i don't know if these are causing internal problems, or resulting from internal problems, but i imagine a bit of both.

about 10 years ago i experienced a series of 'infections' treated repeatedly with antibiotics and pain killers. finally i treated them with an oral acidophilus supplement instead. the 'infections' went away and never came back. however i did not take acidophilus regularly thereafter.

since my attack in january one of the things i read about was candida, and the acidophilus made a comeback. i have seen improvement in my gastrointestinal and cutaneous symptoms of candida since incorporating a multi acidophilus into my daily regimen. i have no idea if my improving condition has anything to do with the acidophilus. but i'm sure it's good for me. :)

it remains to be seen if my results next year come back with a candida present result (AGAIN) or not!

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:56 am
by SarahLonglands ... &DB=pubmed

The general immunological capacity of 40 patients with multiple sclerosis has been evaluated with lymphocyte transformation test including both mitogens (PHA and PWM) and antigens (PPD, Candida albicans, Staph. aureus and E. coli). Determination of T and B cells was performed by E-, EAC-rosetting and immunofluorescence for surface immunoglobulins. Compared with the results obtained in 42 normal individuals only minor differences were found.

Ho hum!
