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Soon to have a new member

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:26 am
by Artifishual
So I was on my usual fishing site when I stumbled upon a new post labeled "my sister has ms". A member of the site was promoting his sisters walk for ms and asking for donations for sponsoring her in her walk. I thought what a great idea. So I made a small donation and added to his post pleading for some of the other members to do the same. A little while later I recieve an email from the gentlmans sister. So I responded to her email and informed her of this site. She said she was going to join and had never heard of this site, so we will be getting a new member to join in our party. LOL So Kim if you read this Let me be the first to say "Welcome" , arti :D

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:49 am
by jimmylegs
good work arti :) more people should know about thisisms.

the first time i got an email about it i thought it was about an ism. as in plural "this"-ism.