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Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:51 am
by chrishasms
I bet 100 dollars on it. I had a bunch of lesions in my temporal lobe and my attitude was the dictator to if they were acting up or not. I was thought to be Bi-Polar before I was diag'd with MS. Now the Bi-Polar / ADHD is gone.

I bet 100 dollars that airplane chic and Kyle both have them.

My wife will be the first to tell you those are not a bother for me anymore.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:57 am
by steven73
MaggieMae wrote:Do you think the MS could have changed Kyle's personality? I know of individuals with MS who in additon to symptoms that can be seen, have personality changes - sometimes becoming very angry.
It's possible and if so, he has my deepest sympathies. MS has taken a lot from me and I feel episodes of major bitterness. I'm sure my family bites their tongues a lot.

However, on a darker note, there is a notorious troll who has harassed various MS message boards around the Internet for several years. The troll I'm thinking of is a woman from the Atlanta area who has been booted off of two private membership boards to which I've belonged. On the private boards, she'd come back under different identifies but the moderators are usually quick to pick up on some of her old habits. I'm told that she's had at least two or three IDs over at MSWorld. She loves to bait people into arguments or create very tragic stories and make people feel enormous amounts of sympathy for her. One extreme or the other.

Also, before the Braintalk board had that closure, they had that whole weird deal about encouraging multiple IDs and characters. I think the guy who ran that board even had a big part in creating that Second Life web site. There are some people who are still into that multiple identities thing. MS is complicated enough without all of that garbage.

I'd leave it at this: if someone is clearly hypercritical over a certain therapy topic but won't stay away from it, they're likely trolling you or a pissed off drug salesman from a competing company.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:58 am
by robbie
~ Fear and uncertainty breed’s belief ~

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:31 pm
by RedPenguins
Robbie - love the quote, well said!

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:54 am
by Lars
A few quick thoughts:
My first clinical attack was all psychological, no physical issues at all. Psychosis, Depression, Bi-polar all came on like switching a light and off the same way 8 months later. Keri, don't give up on the forum it is a
Karmic duty to share your story with those who need to hear it. By the way, nice to meet you. I think we have a common friend/sister in LA. Lastly, Lew, a little hard on us Liberals.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:28 pm
by Loobie
Didn't mean for that dude. I'm a neutral, issues based guy (I've voted Dem and Repub and even for Bob Barr in a primary) and spend a lot of time perusing both sides on the internet. I go as the constitution goes, so that means I really, really wish the Libertarian party could get their hat in the ring for serious contention. I'd love to see an (L) by someones name in congress someday. I spend equal time on HuffPo, Drudge, Daily Kos, RealClearPolitics and many others. I just said on a liberal blog because man, the comments can get nasty on places like HuffPo! Didn't mean to come off hatin'. I should've probably said 'a political blog'. Doesn't matter to me which 'wing' anyone is from. I either like someone or I don't based on their character. I have many friends on "both sides of the aisle" as they say.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:46 pm
by RedPenguins
Lars - too funny - I've seen you post before - but didn't pit 2 and 2 together! We do have someone in common.... oh good - you have read about HiCy - she wanted you to know about it. Are you still not on any meds?? (your sis didn't think you were)...if you aren't, we need to get you on something....


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:44 pm
by Lars
I have been keeping track of Revimmune for quite some time. Like Lew, I wanted to keep my options open. I am a few weeks (maybe 4) from getting what I believe will be my first real Tovaxin injection. It has been a tough road physically and I have considered, more than once, dropping out and dropping into Johns Hopkins. I guess the reason I'm still here is same reason I started, I believe Tovaxin will work and I have put a lot of time in for that belief. That said, I will be the first to follow Lew if necessary.
It's nice to finally (cyber) meet you.
Be Well,
Lew, It's ok, really, I have no political expectations in our relationship.
(smiley face)