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Jordanian team treats CCSVI

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:36 pm
by cheerleader
Here is their official website...
my favorite quote-
By giving informed consent and assuming the risks associated with angioplasty in the vein, there is potential for vastly improved quality of life for many people with MS, depending on the stage of their disease. They can go from dependence to independence… from pain and suffering to freedom from many debilitating MS symptoms.

Many MS patients will become contributing members of society again. They can return to normal, active, independent living – benefiting everyone within the family circle. Freedom for MS patients also means freedom for care-givers because close family members, too, pay a very stiff price.

Providing MS patients with tangible hope and a sense of purpose. This is an immeasurable benefit to them and their families – and yes, this IS a human rights issue!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:49 am
by PCakes
...and yes, this IS a human rights issue!
