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SIRS website has added CCSVI to areas of expertise

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:18 pm
by Cece
This might be helpful, once the IRs discover it is there! This is the SIRs find-a-doctor website:

You now have the search option under "Area of Expertise" to choose either Endovascular treatment/CCSVI for MS or Endovascular research/CCSVI for MS.

I don't think the doctors have discovered it yet. I search NY and get nobody...but if you click on some of our luminaries, they've added it in under "Additional Information" in their profiles. (Dr. Englander's says, "Additional information: Endovascular Treatment of CCSVI for Multiple Sclerosis" but this won't show up in an 'area of expertise' search; she must have added it before the option was available.)