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Foot drop

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:11 pm
by 1eye
So I got hot feet and I was lying down. It's hard to take off my AFO , so I didn't, just let the easy one drop. Later, I walked around without replacing the shoe. Now with the AFO on the one foot with the shoe, and only a sock on the other, it felt more like walking, than either both shoes on or both shoes off. Anybody have any idea why that might be? I'm about ready to drop kick both feet.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:57 pm
by Shannon
Hi - Could you please elaborate on what AFO is? I am just starting to get foot drop myself, so I am curious. Thanks! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:13 pm
by eric593
AFO = ankle foot orthotic. Rigid piece of plastic beneath foot and behind ankle up calf so when you can't lift your foot and it drags, the piece of plastic holds your foot at a 90 degree angle so it no longer drags.

There are also neat (but expensive) electrical stimulators that externally zap your perioneal nerve to lift your foot every time you take a step as opposed to a plastic AFO that forces your foot to remain at a 90 degree angle.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:19 pm
by 1eye
Oh, it stands for ankle-foot-orthotic. It's a brace I've worn on my left foot since about 2005. It was made from a plaster cast of my leg, so it closely matches the way my leg was shaped then. I have been able to tell from that that I have lost muscle mass.

It is a fairly lightweight plastic but I have also had them take pieces out of the back and bottom to make it breathe a little. I have also seen but not tried a 2-piece version articulated at the ankle, that has a spring pulling your foot back upward.

Mine straps on at the top with velcro, and the coverage is over the back of my leg and the bottom of my foot. I wear a little cotton tube-sock over the top just because I don't like the way plastic feels. It lives inside my shoe and I try to balance my leg length with undersoles. Maybe that's where I need to look at this thing. I'm just frustrated because, as Charlie Brown used to say, "Whaddya mean the wrong feet? These are my feet!"

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:22 pm
by Stayfit
Atrophied muscles can be partially restored. I have had foot drop and other problems especially with my left leg. Mostly I have resolved with especially ankle and also hip and leg strengthening exercise. If I am very tired could come back then I will rest.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:03 pm
by David1949
Without my AFO I can barely walk 100 yards without tripping because of foot drop. But with the AFO I can walk up to 1 mile. So it helps me a very great deal. I'm grateful to have it, but one of my fondest dreams is to make a flower pot out of it when I no longer need it.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:19 am
by 1eye
1 MILE! wow. I was like that, before, and I remember being afraid my AFO was helping the atrophy. Now I can not do 1 block. I will consider the AFO a big success if I ever get back up past half a kilometer or so. At the moment my biggest problems, when using the walker, are that I don't have any arm movement, tend to lean on my stronger right side, and my feet get way too hot. I seem to have trouble getting rid of heat.