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Recruiting Pre-Med/Graduate students for CCSVI research

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 6:39 am
by WeWillBeatMS
drsclafani wrote:...this is an opportunity for someone to have a career researching it
The quote is from Dr. Sclafani's response to a question about improved bloodflow after getting the veins opened up.

It reminded me of an idea that I had before about trying to get the research about CCSVI out of the hands of people that have anything to gain from the results. Would there be a place for graduate students studying either medicine or something else to do their thesis papers about CCSVI?

Or who would be a candidate to have a career studying CCSVI and it's relationship to MS?

This type of research might have more of a long term result I suppose but it is certainly a worthwhile cause. If CCSVI is in fact something that is congenital, than our kids, grandkids, siblings, cousins who have yet to be diagnosed with CCSVI, or MS, or Parkinson's, or Alzheimer's, etc could end up benefiting from all of this research.



Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 6:53 am
by Cece
Dr. Cumming was talking the other day about all the research that has been done on defining a carotid artery stenosis. You could stack the papers waist-high. There is so much to be done in research on CCSVI and what's being done now is foundational.