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'It's decision time for voters'

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:41 am
by Cece
Dear Editor:

Dalton McGuinty, Tim Hudak, Andrea Horwath, tomorrow (hypothetically) will be a memorable day for you, because tomorrow, you will wake up seeing two of everything. You won't be able to drive, and everything will seem so weird to you.

I know, you'll go to see your doctor. Surely, he or she will know what to do. Your doctor will ask you how you've been feeling for the past while, if you've noticed anything else.

You'll think about it, and then reply that your right hand was kind of numb, and you had difficulty writing a couple of months ago. But that straightened out on its own. You've also been experiencing some numbness and tingling in your extremities. Your doctor will arrange for you to see a neurologist because "oh, no", you might have Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

You must do something about your MS! These are your options: Go ahead. Vote.
That is just the beginning. Great letter. It may have been posted before?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:42 pm
by newlywed4ever
I agree - a very well written letter. Thanks for finding this, Cece!