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KISS 4 me

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:21 pm
by IHateMS
This post has nothing to do with EBV.

Ever since being diagnosed ten years ago, I've thought there has to be a simple explanation for MS. MS and many other diseases, in my opinion, start because of a basic problem.

I think too often, scientists can't see the forest for the trees...or do not want to see the forest. Everything is overcomplicated. IMO, CCSVI, fits the KISS method. KISS = keep it simple stupid. I think I understand. It seems so simple. It makes sense.

Financial statements I can explain, science not so much. My simplistic view of it is ... it is like putting something on the stove and it boils over.... the crusty mess is your lesion.... :lol: The blood has 'boiled/bubbled/leaked' out of a vein. :?: Sort of reminds me of the old PSA about 'here is your brain and here is your brain on drugs' with the egg and skillet...

Is that too simplistic?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:04 pm
by ForeverSpring
Thanks for the chuckle! :lol:

I'm with you! It's astoundingly, awesomely simple, isn't it?


Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:01 am
by mrhodes40
I like your analogy IHMS!
think too often, scientists can't see the forest for the trees...or do not want to see the forest. Everything is overcomplicated. IMO, CCSVI, fits the KISS method.
Dr Dake told me that it is as if the body is google earth------but the neurologists are digging in the dirt with their shovels. :lol:

Seriously though, the problem in part is the specialization of medicine. A neuro simply does not know what a vascular guy does. They see the lesions and say "special MS lesion that no one ever saw before" a vascular guy sees the histology of the lesion and says "Oh, a venous lesion."

One good way medicine can evolve is to encourage doctors work in teams of mixed specialties.

IF THIS COMES OUT, I believe there will be some serious retrospective looks at how this was missed for so long...........

when there was a lot of good work decades ago that indicated this was the direction we should take.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:08 am
by robbie
IF THIS COMES OUT, I believe there will be some serious retrospective looks at how this was missed for so long...........
I'd say....

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:11 pm
by Jamie
Just a bit!!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:10 am
by catfreak
I can add to this is a different way:

My Mom is a diabetic, diabetic retinopathy (eyes), diabetic neuropathy in her feet (just had a to amputated and now it has MRSA STAFF INFECTION!!, urinary tract/kidney issues, has congestive heart failure, high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis.

Now, try getting all those specific specialty doctors to agree on anything in her treatment. It gets to where no one wants treat her because it messes with something else that is already wrong.

Until some of these different specialties can get together and review the big picture the progress will continue to be slow and positive outcomes will allude us.


Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:59 am
by LR1234
I Totally agree Cat!! Its ridiculous all these specialists and not treating the person as a whole. If all those dr's involved were willing to get into a room and discuss a treatment plan together and look at all the symptoms to gain one complete picture that would be better for the patient.

I was passed from specialist to specialist with a whole handful of symptoms which were making me ill and I was expected only to tell those symptoms that were relevant to that specialist!!!