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Replicating putnam

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:21 pm
by Billmeik
So an animal study is badly needed. I think there is one going on at stanford, but this is important and d simple stuff. All of a sudden we may be able to create ms in animals. My suggestion is that someone in the beef or pork industry in a country without rules, clamps the juglar veins on some animals headed for slaughter. Then every month one is slaughtered and an autopsy is done by a local vet or surgeon. By month 8 you should see lesions. If not, that's a problem. If yes, ccsvi is true. Debate is over.

Just an idea.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:53 pm
by mangio
I like your idea. By the way I've really enjoyed your posts and think
they are very valuable. It's important to ask questions, and especially to
have different thoughts that challenge the new thinking.

If you have extra time you might enjoy a blog written by a man in Quebec
that has MS and has written about his results and the abnormalities
that were found on scans tested in Montreal. Great read - great financial

Pension Pulse - Leo K.


Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:14 am
by bigfoot14
I like the way you are thinking...

My issue with mice as models, is their short lifespan....

if CCSVI is true (and I beleive that it is) it should take a long time for the damage to occur, and the mice might die of old age first

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:46 am
by Billmeik
so say Im a cattle farmer in South America where rules are weak. Is this ethical? Really if you were planning on killing and eating your test subjects anyway giving them a few lesions isn't going to matter. Putnam's dogs never showed any obvious external symptoms, that would probably take longer. I would have to reread that paper to get some ideas about time but I remember 10 months being mentioned.

This is really a pipe dream. Such a study couldnt be published anywhere but would just be anecdotal and I would find it a very valuable anecdote.