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welcome to join the "diet for multiple sclerosis" FB group

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:12 pm
by jerrygallow
the purpose is discussion of this topic. Would love to have input from people who believe in the various diets.

Re: welcome to join the "diet for multiple sclerosis" FB gro

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:47 pm
by ElliotB
I had reviewed all the various MS diets shortly after my diagnosis. I wondered why all the different diets seemed to work for some but not all. I guess the answer is possibly because for most with RRMS, as the symptoms go into remission, and perhaps at least for the short term, diet may not be a major factor. I don't think anyone knows for sure. But I do strongly believe that over the long term, diet is a major factor.

I also find it interesting how most diets eliminate red meats but will include certain fish (like salmon, tuna, sardines) because of their high Omega 3 fat content. Yet red meats, when 100% grass fed, are loaded with Omega 3 and other EFAs (essential fatty acids) necessary for good health and are just as important to good health as vitamins. Good fats are neglected by most MS diets and perhaps diets in general. It is not a popular belief but good fats are not only good for you, but they are essential. EFAs (essential fatty acids) are called 'essential' for a good reason. Additionally, many of the diets include foods that may not be as healthy for us as commonly thought.

Probably, the most controversial diet is the one Dr. Wahls presents. It is totally contrary to the diet Dr. Swank came up with and many of the other similar MS diets. Yet they all seem to work. Go figure!