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possible multiple sclerosis

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:39 pm
by pisces87
I have been feeling numbness and tingling in my face since 2011. It used to be so bad I had to touch my face to see if I still have feeling. I had one seizure as a child due to high fever. I have brain zaps I think its called. I have to stop suddenly with whatever I am doing at the moment. It last 1 second. It got a little better after a sinus medicine I took for a week.

I recently started having severe numbness in my hands,arms, feet and still in my face. The numbness in my face has spreaded throughout my forehead and chin under my eye. I also have numbness in some spots in my scalp.

I have recently seen a neurologist who ordered an mri...emg... and a eeg. Eeg normal and mri was abnormal. I was called the next day. I have one smalllesion in the right ventricle of my brain. So I have to get three more mri ...cervical...thoracic..and lumbar. I have to get the emg june 1.
I also have numbness in my genitalia so they are doing blood work and I have to see a urogynecologis. Also stress incontinence I have loss control of my bladder. I also have to get a spinal tap.
Has anyone gotten one before and do anyone think I have ms? The neurologist think I may have it and my mom who is a nurse