If you have not given up gluten yet, watching this video is a MUST

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If you have not given up gluten yet, watching this video is a MUST

Post by ElliotB »

I gave up gluten in my diet about 8 years ago, approximately 2 years after I was diagnosed.

It is without a doubt the absolute BEST decision I have ever made in my life! The details given in the presentation with regard to gluten's interaction with the brain and nerves are eye-opening. The video even makes reference to gluten's effect on the Mylin sheath.

FWIW, I noticed a huge improvement, especially with regard to my memory, within about a month of giving up gluten. To this day, I maintain a 100% gluten free diet and retain all the benefits I experienced initially. With regard to my brain function, I had a terrible memory throughout my life since childhood UNTIL I gave up gluten. Not remembering things minutes after I read them or forgetting someone's name within 15 seconds has always been difficult for me. Yet since giving up gluten, even with MS, I have an excellent memory! I remember people's names, and don't need to write myself notes to remember things.

This video is the most informative video I have ever seen about gluten, gluten's effects on the body and why you should consider giving it up. I hope you will take the time to watch it. It will likely convince you of giving up gluten. It is only about 15 minutes long. It is loaded with valuable information. Following the advice presented will likely change your life in a very positive way. It absolutely did for me in so many great ways!

Last edited by ElliotB on Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:22 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: If you have not given up gluten yet, watching this video is a MUST

Post by DIM »

Do you eat lactose, it may be worse than gluten!
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Re: If you have not given up gluten yet, watching this video is a MUST

Post by ElliotB »

Excellent point!

I have always felt since childhood that I had issues with dairy, so I never consumed a lot of dairy products.

Of course, there are many foods that may have lactose hidden in them. Here is a partial list:

convenience meals
instant potato mixes
cream-based or cheesy sauces, soups, and gravies
bread, tortillas, crackers, and biscuits
baked goods and desserts
creamed vegetables
candies, including chocolates and confectioneries
waffle, pancake, muffin, and cake mixes

I got that list from Google. Oddly, pizza is not included!

Lactose is a sugar found primarily in milk and other dairy products. Some people lose the ability to digest lactose over time, leading to lactose intolerance.

I recently discovered that American cows produce milk with a certain protein (A1 protein) in it that may actually be the root cause of digestive and health issues for many people. And also discovered that dairy produced from European cows do not have that troublesome protein, rather they have the A2 protein. So, I recently started consuming European dairy including certain specific cheeses in limited amounts and have not had any adverse reactions.

From Google:

The A1 protein is found in milk from the high-producing Holstein cows favored by American and some European industrial dairies. An emerging body of research suggests that many of the 1 in 4 Americans who exhibit symptoms of lactose intolerance could instead be unable to digest A1, a protein most often found in American milk and other American dairy products . The A1 protein is much less prevalent in milk from Jersey, Guernsey, and most Asian and African cow breeds, where, instead, the A2 protein predominates. “We’ve got a huge amount of observational evidence that a lot of people can digest the A2 but not the A1,” says Keith Woodford, a professor of farm management and agribusiness at New Zealand’s Lincoln University who wrote the 2007 book Devil in the Milk: Illness, Health, and the Politics of A1 and A2 Milk. More than 100 studies suggest links between the A1 protein and a whole range of health conditions, everything from heart disease to diabetes to autism.

This article offers a lot of good information about lactose:

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