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Postpartum relapse?

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:14 pm
by Wingsforlife
Hello I am 5 weeks postpartum and having returning symptoms of old flares and some new ones. Right forearm went numb, bottom right jaw numb. Oh and hypersensitivity to sounds and extremely fatigued. It's been five days I'm wondering if it's going to keep coming on slow or if this is it. Anyone else have a relapse postpartum? If so what did you experience and what did you do to cope with it and having children and a newborn?


Re: Postpartum relapse?

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:30 pm
by Snoopy
Hi Wingsforlife,

Congratulations on the birth of your child!

Are your symptoms continuous without gong away at all? If so you should contact your Neurologist. An exacerbation (relapse, attack, flare-up) are unpredictable so there is no way to know if it will get worse or start to resolve. The treatment for exacerbations is Steroids, but you do have the option of not taking steroids and just wait it out... your choice.

I never had an exacerbation post-partum but I did have one when my children were young, my son was 4 years old and my daughter was 2. Although difficult I managed :smile:

Take care!