Getting MRI on Saturday

This is the place to ask questions if you have symptoms that suggest MS, but aren't yet diagnosed.
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Getting MRI on Saturday

Post by SpashandMiff »

Hi everyone, I just joined the forum. I have not been diagnosed with ms and wil be getting an mri this Saturday. I am a little worried after going to the doctor and hearing that there's a possibility it could be ms and have decided that it would be best to educate myself before the follow up appointment after my mri so I can ask questions if it does turn out to be ms (hoping its not). But anyways here is a little bit about my symptoms and my attempt to figure out what's going on.

So shortly after moving to a new state for a new job (maybe 3-4 months in) I began to experience a strange tingling sensation right below my shoulder blades on both sides. It didn't really bother me much just felt kind of like how your foot feels when it falls asleep. It would go away after a few minutes and didn't seem to effect me except freak me out a little bit. Around the same time I began to get really tired. I would be falling asleep in the middle of the day for no reason. I would sleep for 12-13 hours a night and wake up exhausted. I also felt like I wasn't developing the muscles I should have been. I train horses for a living and lifting a saddle shouldn't be a struggle but it was. So I went to the doctor and they did an xray on my back, they determined there was nothing abnormal. They did a blood test and told me to go on vitamins b, d, and iron. They then refered me to a chiro (thinking my back problems were the result of problems in my back, common in trainers) and also told me to visit and back specialist if my symptoms got worse. Since then I visited multiple doctors that either told me that tingling is normal or that they would like to put me in physical therapy without a diagnosis and then if it doesn't go away to come back. I decided to not go to p.t. after all how can they fix something if they don't know what it is. I finally managed to get mri of my back, still thinking it was a back problem. Mri of lumbar, thorasic, and neck came back normal with only a few buldging discs (not of concern considering it is common for trainers). The doctor then told me to go see a nuerologist. I should mention that in this time the vitamins seemed to have improved my energy levels and I was feeling much better. However before I managed to get an appointment with a nuerologist I got bucked off a horse at work and ended u9 herniating a disc in my back and was more concerned about treating that. What's interesting is that at the time they did pjt me on immunosupresents to reduce swelling on my disc, my tingling did get much better which I thought was because of reduction in swelling.

Finally with the winter being an off season for the horse industry I was able to schedule an appointment with a nuerologist which I decided I needed to do after experiencing some tingling in my right shoulder followed by a sharp pain after a week and a half of on and off tingling. I should also mention at this point that I did move at the beginning of the year and was unable to stay steady with my vitamins because of an unstable living situation and constant moving around. The numbness in the shoulder came a few months later. I went to my first appointment with the nuerologist a little over a week ago. My nurological examine besides the tingling was good so he's leaning more towards a shoulder injury but with history of numbness other places he has ordered an mri and mentioned ms. He doesn't think that it is ms and im hoping that its not so im crossing my fingers for the mri on Saturday and would be interested to hear what other think about
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Re: Getting MRI on Saturday

Post by SpashandMiff »

Sorry im having some difficulties editing the first post on my phone. But I would be interested to hear what toher would recommend I read before my visit and what questions I need to be asking. I haven't been diagnosed so there is a chance it is not ms, but even basic questions for the nuerologist (I unfortunately wasn't really ready for the last one having never been to a nuerologist before it was a little different than I expected). Also I have a follow up appointment a little over 2 weeks after the mri, is there anyway I can find out if the mri is abnormal/normal before my follow up appointment. Im a little stressed about the whole thing.

Thanks for reading.
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Re: Getting MRI on Saturday

Post by NHE »

SpashandMiff wrote:Sorry im having some difficulties editing the first post on my phone.
Try using the "Minimal" theme board style. You can select it in the User Control Panel under the Board Preferences section.

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Re: Getting MRI on Saturday

Post by want2bike »

You might want to look at the diet section on this site. My beleif is diet is the key to reversing most illness we see today. We are sick because ot the bad things we put in our bodies. Our food is full of saturated fats, hydrogenated oils and a variety of chemicals which are not suppose to be in our bodies. When we get too much of these chemicals in our bodies it makes us sick. The good news is you can get healthy again once you figure it out.

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