Working full time?

A board to discuss the Multiple Sclerosis modifying drug Avonex
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Working full time?

Post by emme »

I read posts on dealing with Avonex side effects. I would like to hear from people who take Avonex and also work full time. I struggle with the side effects--but I am working many hours a week. I wonder if I am having a harder time because of that. If I can sit and do almost nothing for 36-48 hours, my week goes much better. If I have to try to keep going the day after I inject, the effects linger 3-4 days. Anyone else?
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Re: Working full time?

Post by NHE »

I used to inject on Friday afternoons. I found the side effects easier to deal with while I was awake rather than trying to sleep through them. Some ibuprofen about every 4 hours was essential. Saturdays were my downtime and I was usually back up to speed by Sunday. This schedule will mess up your weekends, but it shouldn't interfere with your work week too much.

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Re: Working full time?

Post by Scott1 »


I don't think it's a "one size fits all" thing.
When I started, years ago, my reactions were truly rough. I was taking the self mix version on a Friday night thinking that I had the weekend to recover. The problem was my family were quite intolerant of me not doing everything they thought I should. No matter what people might say, ultimately you have to fit in with them not the other way around. I switched to Thursday night just before going to bed and dosed up with Panadol. Sometimes I would take another couple in the middle of the night but generally I found it less of an issue to swallow some pain killers at work on Friday and get my catch up sleep on a Friday night so I got my weekend back. You'll just have to listen to your own body to work out when you are at your worst and count backwards to find the time to inject.

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Re: Working full time?

Post by shaight »

yes, what scott said and...

i took mine in the evening and then by mid-day or so i was feeling better...or so i thought. i have been off avonex for a month and half now and during that time i've come to realize how much it was affecting me, apparently i had just grown tolerant to the side effects.

i ended up moving to copaxone, which i truly did not want to do as the thought of a daily shot was just an agonizing. after a couple bumps in the road initially, i've have grown to prefer the copaxone over the avonex. i have no side effects with copaxone and my headaches are nonexistent. so, the overall time of a daily shot vs the once a week of 'not feeling so great' has really shown me that the daily is actually much less of an inconvenience overall.

in the end all that matters is if one is working for you or not.
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Side Effects of Avonex/working full time

Post by emme »

Thanks for responses. I often wonder if I am even really aware of how much Avonex has changed my life. I have considered taking a break, but I hear that going back on will be like starting over--ugh!! I usually inject on Friday afternoon and try to veg on Saturday; however, I often have meetings on Saturdays. I am also very active in my church, so Sundays are busy days--good days, but busy! I have given up quite a bit of responsibilities on Sundays because otherwise, it is impossible to cope. The good news is the my husband is wonderful. He is patient and understanding beyond belief. The truth is, for three years, I told NO ONE about my diagnosis--not even family. A few months ago I finally began telling people, and it is amazing how freeing it has been. I don't have to hide the fact that I feel like crap sometimes. What was I thinking? I didn't want sympathetic looks, worried parents, suggestions on how to cope etc. So far, I have not regretted being open about MS. I still don't participate in MS walks, etc. Maybe one day I will.
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