
This is the place to ask questions if you have symptoms that suggest MS, but aren't yet diagnosed.
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Post by jank »

my spine tests show sclerosis. went to see the optometrist because my eyes will not go side to side. she said that it was a good sign of ms. i also have interstitial cystitis. i have had several episodes to where i almost pass out but i don't. i have to talk slowly to let others know how i feel. i am 59 years old. come on ms... i am ready to give you a good fight.
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Re: Hello

Post by Ladymac »

Hello Jank,

I would RUN not wait and get your docs to refer you to a Major MS Center near where you live for evaluation. Not a Neurologist that sees MS patients, but a MS Center with Board Certified Neurologists that their specialty is MS where they participate in the most current testing and research and evaluations. There is no "test" for MS, but there are several things they can do to evaluate and diagnose if it is MS or Not. If it is MS, then they need to treat you not only with Disease Modifying Drugs, but also if it is MS then there are immediate treatments to stop the symptoms you may be having and bring you back to baseline quickly (normal). 59 years old is late for an MS diagnosis by the statistics, but not impossible either.

If you are in the US, go to the National MS Society Web page and you can search on MS Centers close to where you live and do the research once you have found one to what doctor you want to see.

Good Luck!

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Re: Hello

Post by Alphasig1514 »

Yes...find yourself a dr who specializes in MS.
I was lucky and after my MRI came back the eye dr I went to first (my left eye had blurred up - kinda like someone put a flashlight up to my eye and kept it there) sent me directly to the Neuro down the street.
Neuro did the IV steriods for my eye and then did the spinal tap. 2 wks later he had me set up to go see a specialist over at IU in Indianapolis.
I lucked out for once that the drs didnt just shrug off my symptoms and say 'see what happens and let us know'
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Re: Hello

Post by jank »

thank you ladymac.
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