My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

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My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by bellyxedda »

Hello to everybody! I want to apolozise in advance for my bad english as i am not an english speaking person.
Anyway .. I never thought that the problem of MS would ever enter my life but.. About 6 months ago i met a guy and i fell in love with him and it was so fantastic coz after many years of fighting of waiting i finally found him.
But... About a month ago he confessed to me that he has been ill ( MS) for almost 14 years!! I would never say that he is ill: he is so active, so full of energy... He was firdt diagnosed 10 years ago in the U.S. ( but he had his first symptom long before when he was about 21, now he is almost 35).
In our country nobody knows about dr Wheldon's protocol but as he lived for many years at first in U.S and then in London from time to time when he feels bad he takes antibiotic and as he says it seems to him that they are actually working.
Well... I am so so confused and i really need someone's advice.. What am i supposed to me?? Should i leave him or should i stay?... Is there any hope for us?!.. Should he go on with dr Wheldon's protocol?
I read Sarah's story and first of all i want to say that dr. Wheldon is a great person because he didnt let him wife to lose her common life..i am kinda inspired by this story but still i am full of doubts.
Ok... I know that i am not very concete so i would like to make a list of questions, please, Sarah and everybody, answer to me!
1) Does dr Wheldons protocol work in you case?
2) is there any possibility that my boyfriend never looses the possibility to walk?
3) what do you think about stem cells transplantion? ( in our country it is legal and it shows great results.. Unfortunately not in all cases)
4) For how long have you been living with MS? I adress this question to everybody and i also would like to me from you Sarah.
Guys i am confused. I am desperate. I really dont know what to do. That's a tough decision... I dont want to give up but i am so confused. Some good advice or simply kind words would help. Thank you!!!
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by SarahLonglands »

Bella, I am writing to you now: but please stay with your boyfriend because you can help him to get better, like David did with me.

An Itinerary in Light and Shadow Completed Dr Charles Stratton / Dr David Wheldon abx regime for aggressive secondary progressive MS in June 2007, after four years. Still improving with no relapses since starting. Can't run but can paint all day.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by SarahLonglands »

Bella, I got my first MS symptoms when I was in my early twenties, much like your boyfriend, but since it was relapsing-remitting disease for most of the time I was like him, fit and full of energy. I cycled ten kilometres to work and carried my bike up two floors, since it was easier than tipping it up and putting it in the rather small lift. I kind of knew that I had MS but then there was nothing that could be done so I ignored it as long as I could.

My disease started to become progressive when I was in my early forties and as well as my hands and legs it was affecting my intellect and I was saying and doing the most ridiculous things.
I had a big commission to do for the new QM2 cruise liner: six large oil paintings for the penthouse suites. I found this unusually difficult and they weren’t the best things I have ever done. I finished them but then my hand completely gave out: it took me a week to sign the wretched things and I needed David to varnish them. He was distraught but I just thought that t would pass and I would get better like I always did before. Well, I didn’t: I just got worse. My neurologist apparently told David that all was lost and he should find me a nursing home as quickly as possible for the few months I had left.

Instead he found the Vanderbilt University research and brought me home a packet of doxycycline. I laughed, but took them anyway just to please him. But it worked!

Eleven years later I am still here and my work is better than ever it was.
Here is my website:
Now, your boyfriend seems to say that he only takes the antibiotics sometimes: he needs to take the every day in order to get rid of the infection, and that is where you come in: you must make sure that he does! If he is walking at the moment, there is no reason that he should lose that ability if he takes the treatment: if he doesn’t, who knows?
As far as stem cells go. They do seem to hold some promise, but as you say, not for everybody. My guess is that the infection is to blame. If the infection is running riot, no matter how many stem cells are given, they won’t be enough.

The best bet is to make sure that he follows the antibiotic treatment religiously, not just some days if he feels like it. Print out this pdf from David’s site and make sure that he follows it: The pdf is the second page down.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me. You can email me if you like, that might be better.
You can find my address on my website, at the bottom of the giclee images page: it seems to have gone missing from the home page! Or send me a private message.

An Itinerary in Light and Shadow Completed Dr Charles Stratton / Dr David Wheldon abx regime for aggressive secondary progressive MS in June 2007, after four years. Still improving with no relapses since starting. Can't run but can paint all day.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by bellyxedda »

Thank you so much for your answer, Sarah!
Well i really want to stay with him, the only problem is that i dont have children and i would like to have but i really cant immagine how we will be able to grow them if something happens to him. We are young and it makes my choice even more difficult. I know that i must be strong but i really dont know whether i will cope with it or no.. I know that he needs a strong person by his side and i still dont know if i can be that person even if i would like to so badly..
So as i got it you stopped the progression of your illness by taking antibiotics. But the question is whether it worked only in your case or it also helped other people to get well?
Actually once he told me that in the U.S he took antibiotics for almost 12 months but since then nothing changed dramatically. He feels good and just once in 2-3 years he has his relapses which are rather mild and never take away his ability to walk or to think. He once went skiing while having a relapse:) he is a kind of person that never gives up. think that the best thing to do now is to start a new protocol and to do 24 months of antibiotics? Gosh, it seems so long..
And the last question..( sorry i ve got so many of them)). Have you ever heard about Terry Wahls protocol? A diet which helps our body to reverse ms and to come back being healfy. What do you think about it? Maybe dr. Wheldon's protocol together with a good diet could give really good results? I am just trying to figure out a perfect strategy and to see whether it is going to work.
Thanks a lot for your kind words and support.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by SarahLonglands »

Well, I can’t say ‘you should do this’ or ‘you should do that’ but you will just have to think positively. If you really love him and support him in the treatment he should be fine with regards the MS, but something can happen to anyone at any time. I waited many years until I met David but when I met him I knew he was the right person for me. What I didn’t want to do was marry the wrong person just so that I could start a family then end up unhappy, illness or no illness. My mother married three times the still ended up with a divorce. I didn’t want that.
Yes, I stopped the disease just by taking antibiotics, one year full time and then three intermittently. I also have always ate quite healthily and I have heard of Terry Wahl’s diet. I think it a very good idea to do both, but to my mind the abx are the most important part. After all, I still got much worse with my comparatively healthy diet.
An Itinerary in Light and Shadow Completed Dr Charles Stratton / Dr David Wheldon abx regime for aggressive secondary progressive MS in June 2007, after four years. Still improving with no relapses since starting. Can't run but can paint all day.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by bellyxedda »

Thank you so much for your answers, dear Sarah! I wish you all the best and i hope that sooni will tell you about our success in treating the MS.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by SarahLonglands »

I hope so as well but please ask me if there is anything you want to know: a private message warning will be sent to me so I know to look here!

An Itinerary in Light and Shadow Completed Dr Charles Stratton / Dr David Wheldon abx regime for aggressive secondary progressive MS in June 2007, after four years. Still improving with no relapses since starting. Can't run but can paint all day.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by ElliotB »

A different viewpoint...

If you had MS or some other major illness, how long into the relationship would you have waited before you told him about it?
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by bellyxedda »

I have no idea of how long i would have waited. I guess that it is damn hard to meet a person, to fall in love and realize that you have no choice and you have to tell the truth..
As to my bf.. it took him 5 months before he confessed me the truth... And frankly speaking i think that he has chosen a wrong moment. If he told me after a month.. Well i would have left.. If he told me after years well i guess i wouldnt have had a choice and sometimes it is much better. Now after 6 months i realize that i still can walk away but at the same time he has already become important to me so... I still can walk away. But i can't! And it hurts me. Well, it is a complicated story...
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by Loriyas »

I look at this differently-and this may sound blunt and perhaps harsh. But if you are having this much difficulty in deciding what to do then I think you already know the answer. Marriage (if that is what you want) is a commitment for better or worse. You are worrying about all the negatives, forgetting that when you truly love someone the positives outweigh the negatives. When you truly love someone there is no question about what you would do for that person. I think instead of focusing on the MS aspect you need to decide if he is the person you want to be with for the rest of your life. If so then you take him as he is. If not then it is good for you both to know now.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by DougL »

Loriyas wrote:I look at this differently-and this may sound blunt and perhaps harsh. But if you are having this much difficulty in deciding what to do then I think you already know the answer. Marriage (if that is what you want) is a commitment for better or worse. You are worrying about all the negatives, forgetting that when you truly love someone the positives outweigh the negatives. When you truly love someone there is no question about what you would do for that person. I think instead of focusing on the MS aspect you need to decide if he is the person you want to be with for the rest of your life. If so then you take him as he is. If not then it is good for you both to know now.
i was going to say the same thing except not so well written
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by bellyxedda »

Well, you are both right but in my case i think that hesitating is ok.. I am not looking for a simple life but some things are just too hard to support. Anyway now i am looking for the possibilities to resolve the problem ( treatments etc). It means i want to be with him. Otherwise i would have already gone.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by SarahLonglands »

Bella, I agree! All to many people of both sexes just run when this disease beckons. In your case, you could have done the same but you were in love, so you looked for treatment options. Lori is married to a very fine man and I think you could be a very fine wife,

An Itinerary in Light and Shadow Completed Dr Charles Stratton / Dr David Wheldon abx regime for aggressive secondary progressive MS in June 2007, after four years. Still improving with no relapses since starting. Can't run but can paint all day.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by bellyxedda »

Dear Sarah, thank you for your kind words. I am really in need of support right now. I am his first "serious" story, he never had an opportunity to build some good relations with women so actually i am the first one to whome he confessed his secret and i feel this responsibility. When i look in his eyes i see a person who has a dream and this dream is to be important for someone, to be happy no matter what.. Even if he is almost asking me to leave him because he feels so guilty and he doesnt want to ruine my life. I know all these things that i am telling now has nothing to do with what people discuss here ( antibiotics) but sometimes you just need to talk to someone to feel better.
Tomorrow we are seeing a doctor to talk about the possibility of stem cells transplantion together with the chemo. Lets see what he is going to tell us. Maybe it could really help, i talked to many persons that almost stopped their MS by undertaking this treatment.
Also my bf has already started a course of antibiotics and he is planning to go on with it for about 6 months.. I dont know whether it is enough but he says 12 months to him is just too difficult as he has some probs with his stomach and everything.
I hope and pray for the best.
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Re: My bf's got ms for 14 years!! Any tips please!!

Post by SarahLonglands »

Bella, I'll send you a private message: look it up.

An Itinerary in Light and Shadow Completed Dr Charles Stratton / Dr David Wheldon abx regime for aggressive secondary progressive MS in June 2007, after four years. Still improving with no relapses since starting. Can't run but can paint all day.
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