MRI is next step- but really not sure i need one-

This is the place to ask questions if you have symptoms that suggest MS, but aren't yet diagnosed.
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MRI is next step- but really not sure i need one-

Post by promokate »

All i have is problems with my face. And i guess from time to time- but not enough to mention, I do get numbness, tingling, fire, strange feelings running up my legs- but this is VERY seldom!

My main issue is a daily facial clenching- it happens when i smile, or it just spasms anytime it wants. I personally think it is a pinched nerve, but my DR is ready to do MRI after cat scan came back clean. Clonopin has controlled in the past but isn't totally working now.
I guess my MAIN question here- HAVE any of you had symptoms that began as an eye twitch? then started moving down your face until the whole side of your face just started going bat-crazy???
one other thing- I got pregnant AFTER symptoms had began, and being pregnant didn't change anything.
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Re: MRI is next step- but really not sure i need one-

Post by JoniJohn »

MRI is very useful and can be a great diagnostic tool. It shows if you have active disease in your brain and will help get you the treatment you need. Good Luck to you.
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Re: MRI is next step- but really not sure i need one-

Post by Youarethecure »

MS is different for everyone. The way symptoms present can be very different, even for the same person at different times in their life.

I would listen to your doctor and go with what they want to do. Have you been tested for other things? MS is a diagnosis of exclusion. There are many other ailments that can be very similar in presentation. Could be as simple as a vitamin deficiency. Do you have any family history of autoimmune diseases? Have you ever had any other "weird" symptoms in your life?

Best wishes,

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